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 Nabaztag Tag Idol 2009

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Lapin nain
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Localisation : Germany
Nabaztag : Meilie
Nbr de messages : 6
Carottes : 6104

Nabaztag Tag Idol 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Nabaztag Tag Idol 2009   Nabaztag Tag Idol 2009 Icon_minitimeDim 8 Fév 2009 - 17:16


2009 has begun and we have planned a small competition. The French have called it TagIdol, now we search the Podcast Champ to us with an amusing Podcast enthusiastically.

So first it is directed at everybody, the desire have to make an audio Podcast, goes even those who do not know at all like it, can take part. We will give you all instructions in addition, as well as you can realise your creative ideas.

Therefore need her no worries have if it new territory for you is, it is this for me also and although I can win nothing, I myself also take part. Besides, you do not need of course also zB speak, but shows to all your favorite music, everything is permitted...

Now in this first phase first around who would have to take part then in desire generally?
Around yourselves to competitions you are able to do simply a mail in

The profits :

1 Nabaztag with a Nanotag
3 Mir:ror mirror
3 Ztamp books
2 Ztamps Packing

But this, Only besides, which it is primarily about the fun

The exact play expiry is published after the registration phase!
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Nabaztag Tag Idol 2009
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