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 45 Seconds????

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9 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 32
Carottes : 6664

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Mai 2006 - 2:47

I was informed that messages sent as 'TTS MP3' (I can speak) or 'TTS of a RSS' feed can last up to 45 seconds. This does not seem to be the case when I tested a couple of new RSS feeds that exceeded more than 1 minute in length. I also trialled searching on some shared MP3 files then sending to Nabaztag. Of the 2 MP3 files i sent to Nabaztag both were in excess of 2 minutes length. Its not clear what or where this 45 second rule applies. Similarly if there are not limits on length of MP3's generated without TTS like music. Can anyone clarify please.
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Age : 48
Localisation : 64
Nabaztag : toucool (V1) Soucoupe (V2)
Nbr de messages : 2531
Carottes : 6815

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Mai 2006 - 9:42

It's not that clear for me either... One thing is sure : mp3 can NOT exceed 45 seconds (this problem should be fixed with the second generation of Nabaztags, for sale around Xmas 2K6.

And i thought TTS could only use max 200 words...
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 32
Carottes : 6664

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeVen 5 Mai 2006 - 20:44

There are DEFINATELY files in the music LIBRARY (Beatles etc) around 2 minutes long that Nabaztag can play very successfully. I get the impression that Violet have set 45 seconds as a limit in the web interface EVEN THOUGH it can actually play much longer. If this is the case then the RABBIT IS USELESS DEVICE and Violet treating us like fools!.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : England
Nabaztag : Grafftag
Nbr de messages : 15
Carottes : 6662

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeVen 5 Mai 2006 - 21:39

Hi, even when you email yourself an MP3 as an attachment to your Nabz it cuts it down to 45 seconds.

That is pretty rubbish. It might have something to do with the traffic going through the Nabaztag server, as you may have noticed it can be extremely slow sometimes, they might need to expand there bandwith or something.

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Karotzeur taquin

Age : 57
Localisation : Rouen - France
Nabaztag : Caulfield (v2.1)
Nbr de messages : 9783
Carottes : 13226

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeVen 5 Mai 2006 - 22:11

Files in library that exceeded 2 mn should be mid files and not mp3...

The server is slow tonite... Violet Teams works hard for a new version of web interface, it should solve the problem shortly.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 32
Carottes : 6664

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeVen 5 Mai 2006 - 22:31

where is it ducumented about mid files?
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 32
Carottes : 6664

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeVen 5 Mai 2006 - 22:43

upload my mp3 doesnt allow mid files to be browsed/uploaded so what use are mid files if you cannot upload them
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 32
Carottes : 6664

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeVen 5 Mai 2006 - 22:47

i dont really want violet libraries. I want my own files so if mid can be 2mn then they should allow us to uploade/send... is the rabbit perhaps a marketing toy or something useful?. We spend good money on it and its packaged to be great but one of those fixed later products?
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 32
Carottes : 6664

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai 2006 - 13:41

Can someone try help me get an understanding of the 45 seconds please. I heard if its a midi file (.mid) then its ok but how do I send the midi to my bunny for a 2 minute music play?
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Age : 53
Localisation : Noisy le Grand
Nabaztag : Petitbrou, Landry (V1), Scrubs (V2)
Nbr de messages : 8128
Carottes : 7042

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai 2006 - 15:53


We can upload aonly mp3 files and not .mid files. So I think we could not do anything esle.

See you
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 32
Carottes : 6664

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai 2006 - 20:42

nabazland mentioned midi files above in thread. Maybe we would be allowed to somehow upload midi files if longer than 45 secs?. Otherwise my view that the Rabbit is a toy continues. An expensive toy. Any comment Violet people?
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Age : 53
Localisation : Noisy le Grand
Nabaztag : Petitbrou, Landry (V1), Scrubs (V2)
Nbr de messages : 8128
Carottes : 7042

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai 2006 - 22:53

Maybe I did not explain myself well. We can only upload mp3 files.

When you use Nabshare, we only can upload this type of file. I try to put another format file and the server response was : it's not a mp3 file.

Ask Violet in order to put mid files. It can help.

See you
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 32
Carottes : 6664

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai 2006 - 22:56

who do we contact at violet?
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Age : 53
Localisation : Noisy le Grand
Nabaztag : Petitbrou, Landry (V1), Scrubs (V2)
Nbr de messages : 8128
Carottes : 7042

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai 2006 - 22:59

write a mail at
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Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Lililoo, la plus belle des lapines
Nbr de messages : 1426
Carottes : 6901

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai 2006 - 23:42

Well, maybe you should just ask them directly in a mail...
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Age : 48
Localisation : Toulouse
Nabaztag : Anastase (tag) & Pony (tag/tag)
Nbr de messages : 139
Carottes : 6722

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeLun 8 Mai 2006 - 16:52

Dear Denpic,

You should remember one important point : we don't work for Violet ! We are only simple users, just like you, and we only want to share tips about this funny thing, have fun together. Some people here can try to help you to use your Nabaztag, but no one and nothing forces them to spend time to answer you so please, don't say here it's a useless toy : we all have one at home and are fine with that. So if your regret to have bought Nabaztag, I'm sorry, but we don't really care (or really don't care, as you prefer).

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Silver Nabz
Silver Nabz

Nbr de messages : 309
Carottes : 6711

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeMar 9 Mai 2006 - 12:53

Hello, my name is Marvel and i am here to answer all the questions you need about the Nabaztag.

It took me a while to get back here as we are undergoing a lot of modifications on our website. This is one of the reasons why the server seems slow lately. Eventually every hour when the rabbit says what time it is, we will ping it on a central computer, so it stops slowing down th server. But it represents a lot of work, and like you maybe know, Nabaztag is still very young.

As for the 45seconds time restriction, it is, logically, because the rabbit holds one mega inside his little tummy. Nabaztag is there to serve you for many purposes, but it is not a little computer, you know ; however, with API there are many sophisticated things you can ask him to do.

Pretty soon, there will be a post to tell you where to find out about new services, API, Nabcast, the english Nabaztag users community etc on our official Nabaztag Blog. So we'll keep you posted.

I want to thank all the Nabaztag french users who have been of help, so graciously and genuinely.

Either you see what an innovative and appealing (very sophisticated and smart) toy your Nabaztag is , or, I suggest you stomp the floor and break it like a four year old. Your choice.

Hey let's all stay courteous with one another, because we're not just consumers with a pseudo tagged on our forehead, but real people who are (smart ^^) kids at heart, that's why we have a Nabaztag right ? right.

You can write me anytime, I'll try to answer as diligently as i can.

Talk to all y'all soon,
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 9
Carottes : 6559

45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitimeSam 12 Aoû 2006 - 3:40

Hey Marvel,

Thanks for the reply on the 45 second audio thing. If that is the cutoff, then how to you explain the 2 minute audio being played for some RSS feeds? Are they sampling at a lower rate to get stay under the one meg limit?
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45 Seconds???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 45 Seconds????   45 Seconds???? Icon_minitime

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