Had my first crack at a perl script to read the data from my personal weather station and get Nab to speak the results. (i nicked some of the code from fridgeheads gaim plugin
code was messy its the 1st time Ive touched Perl and havent coded since my Uni days.
You can prob do the same for yourself, but download a METAR instead:
for example the one for Cardiff airport is here:
should be easy enought to parse the file
For the ultimate geekness I've got my X10 HomeSeer server to launch my script with a keypress on my RF remote, so Nab says the weather on demand
- Citation :
- #!/usr/bin/env perl
use LWP::UserAgent;
$serialno = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"; #serial
$token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; #Token
$FILE="C:\\wdisplay\\logfiles\\scriptlog.txt"; #Weather Display Input File
$/=","; #Comma Delimited
open FILE or die "Can't open $FILE for read: $!\n";
$wind = @list[29]*1;
$gust = @list[30]*1;
$direction = @list[31]*1;
$hum = @list[33]*1;
$in_temp = int(((@list[34]-32)/9)*5);
$out_temp = int(((@list[35]-32)/9)*5);
$baro = int((@list[39]*1)*33.8639);
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("AgentName/0.1" . $ua->agent);
$url = "http://www.nabaztag.com/vl/FR/api.jsp?serial=$serialno&token=$token&ttlive=1&tts=outside temperature is $out_temp degrees, inside temperature is $in_temp degrees, windspeed is $wind miles an hour, pressure is $baro millibars and humidity is $hum percent";
my $req=new HTTP::Request GET => $url;
my $res = $ua->request($req);
print $url;