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 Speak the current weather

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Ogmore by Sea, Wales, UK.
Nabaztag : Larry
Nbr de messages : 14
Carottes : 6759

Speak the current weather Empty
MessageSujet: Speak the current weather   Speak the current weather Icon_minitimeMer 10 Mai 2006 - 13:11

Had my first crack at a perl script to read the data from my personal weather station and get Nab to speak the results. (i nicked some of the code from fridgeheads gaim plugin yellownabzsmile )

code was messy its the 1st time Ive touched Perl and havent coded since my Uni days.

You can prob do the same for yourself, but download a METAR instead:

for example the one for Cardiff airport is here:

should be easy enought to parse the file yellownabzsmile

For the ultimate geekness I've got my X10 HomeSeer server to launch my script with a keypress on my RF remote, so Nab says the weather on demand yellownabzsmile


Citation :
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use LWP::UserAgent;

$serialno = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"; #serial
$token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; #Token

$FILE="C:\\wdisplay\\logfiles\\scriptlog.txt"; #Weather Display Input File
$/=","; #Comma Delimited

open FILE or die "Can't open $FILE for read: $!\n";


$wind = @list[29]*1;
$gust = @list[30]*1;
$direction = @list[31]*1;
$hum = @list[33]*1;
$in_temp = int(((@list[34]-32)/9)*5);
$out_temp = int(((@list[35]-32)/9)*5);
$baro = int((@list[39]*1)*33.8639);

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("AgentName/0.1" . $ua->agent);

$url = "$serialno&token=$token&ttlive=1&tts=outside temperature is $out_temp degrees, inside temperature is $in_temp degrees, windspeed is $wind miles an hour, pressure is $baro millibars and humidity is $hum percent";

my $req=new HTTP::Request GET => $url;
my $res = $ua->request($req);

print $url;
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Speak the current weather
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