I'm the owner/developper/admin of openjabnab.fr server for nabaztag:tags
Currently, this server is mainly for french-speaking rabbits, but I try to translate it to other languages.
English is well supported, and some people are helping me to translate it into spanish and german.
If you want to help, just say me (for spanish, german, or any other language)
Bootcode status :
I've done a lot of work in order to have a rabbit with a good stability.
I've corrected a function for the "call url" plugin
I also try to fix bunnies with no sound.
Server status :
I've done a great work on translations and timezones.
All is ready for non french rabbits
I've rework the sleep plugin, and add a lot of other plugins.
Don't hesitate to try them, and report me what you think
Toutes les infos sur mon serveur openJabNab sont sur mon wiki nabaztag/tag et openJabnab