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 How to use Internet sharing on Mac?

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3 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

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How to use Internet sharing on Mac? Empty
MessageSujet: How to use Internet sharing on Mac?   How to use Internet sharing on Mac? Icon_minitimeMer 26 Juil 2006 - 15:29

My mac connects to the internet through the network cable but it also has Airport, so I tried to create an ad hoc network by enabling the 'Internet Sharing'. Unfortunately I could not get this to work.

Using a Windows laptop I configured the Nabaztag but I failed. I could only get to one green light. Using the laptop I could connect to this wireless network and through it to, so the network itself was OK; but apparently the Nabaztag didn't like it.

Has anybody else been able to connect through internet sharing on an airport?
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Karotzeur taquin

Age : 57
Localisation : Rouen - France
Nabaztag : Caulfield (v2.1)
Nbr de messages : 9783
Carottes : 13226

How to use Internet sharing on Mac? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: How to use Internet sharing on Mac?   How to use Internet sharing on Mac? Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Aoû 2006 - 7:50


Welcome here.

Kunu did it, u can read his post here :
or/and send him a private message for more help.

Tell us if it works.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : USA
Nbr de messages : 1
Carottes : 6344

How to use Internet sharing on Mac? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: How to use Internet sharing on Mac?   How to use Internet sharing on Mac? Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Mar 2007 - 23:04

Can someone please post a how-to for this in English?
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How to use Internet sharing on Mac? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: How to use Internet sharing on Mac?   How to use Internet sharing on Mac? Icon_minitime

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How to use Internet sharing on Mac?
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