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 My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest

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Yellow Subadmin

Age : 56
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zvi (V1) et Zeev (V2)
Nbr de messages : 10056
Carottes : 6906

My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest Empty
MessageSujet: My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest   My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest Icon_minitimeSam 25 Nov 2006 - 9:58

My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest Ynoel83

X-mas is coming! Are we really going to let our little, legless (but communicating) friends sit idle while the rest of the world participates in holiday glee?

NO!! Of course Nabaztag fits in perfectly with our Christmas cheer, and it is up to us to show it in our usual crazy, delirious, silly manner...

This is the Christmas Costume Contest! One picture per participant using Nabaztag and some X-mas chic. This time around: no photoshop or pixel magic. Only proper costumes on your real life Nabaztag, please. Post your picture and add a subtitle if you like. Then the forum users (that's you!) vote on the best! cheers

The dead line is December 15th, 21:00 (Paris, France, time zone) for you to post your pictures. After this, no pictures will be added. You'll be able to vote until December 20th, 21:00 (Paris, France Timezone).

First prize? The picture voted the best will be put up on the forum's homepage and on Nabaztag's blog. The second and third prize winners will also be shown (at a smaller size, or course).

So, take out your paper, your glue, your sewing kits and other such things and get your rabbits ready to be real X-mas stars!

Post you pictures here

My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest Ynoe136

PS : A very special "Thanks" to Brandon who send me a rather good english post .My english sucks My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest Huhu
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Yellow Subadmin

Age : 56
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zvi (V1) et Zeev (V2)
Nbr de messages : 10056
Carottes : 6906

My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest   My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest Icon_minitimeLun 4 Déc 2006 - 12:50

Go bunnies, go!!

You still have 11 days left to post your pictures!!!! cheers
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My naaabaaaztaaag, king of the foreeeests... Xmass conquest
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Forum des Objets Communicants et Solutions pour les Libérer... :: IV. I Don't Speak French! :: Show us your Nabaztag !!-
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