- Access to the website : There are still some modifications being made to the login process. EMPTY YOUR COOKIES AND THE CACHE OF YOUR WEB BROWSER IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS accessing the site.
- Full Stock Portfolio : Correction of a bug in IE (now you can see the alerts that you have added )
- For those of you using an Airport network (ONLY for airport users and NABAZTAG/TAG) : We have put a patch on the platform. To get it, put your rabbit ‘into the blue,’ (to create an ad hoc connection, like when you first set-up your rabbit), and connect to the page At the bottom of the page, replace the server address (formerly r.nabaztag.com/vl) with You should now have no problems connecting.
- We are still optimizing the subscription process.
- There are new « Little words » for Christmas and the new year
Other than that, even if you aren’t seeing any major changes to the site or your rabbit, we are working behind the scenes to make the site’s response time faster and the platform more stable.
Furthermore, we have restructured ourselves a little bit to help increase the speed with which we respond to support requests.
Speaking of support, as you probably can guess, our support staff is a little bit overwhelmed right now. We’ve brought in some extra people to help and we are working to respond faster to your questions (try to be precise and detailed in your questions so we can be as effective and quick as possible).