| | Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu | |
| | Auteur | Message |
nabk0 Lapin nain
Localisation : france Nbr de messages : 9 Carottes : 6406
| Sujet: Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu Jeu 1 Mar 2007 - 0:51 | |
| Tout d'abord bonjour à tous, et merci à ceux qui fournisse de gros effort pour la liberation de nos lapins. Je viens d'acheter mon premier lapin aujourd'hui c'est un magnifique tag tag. Mais etant un officionados du libre j'aimerais pouvoir liberer mon lapin du coup j'essaie d'installer opennab qui a l'air d'etre le projet tout désigner pour ca. Je dispose d'un serveur ubuntu edgy avec apache et php 4.4.x et d'un lapin tag.tag. J'ai telecharger l'archive et j'ai decompacter le tout dans mon www. j'ai ensuite essayer de suivre la marche a suivre voila ou j'en suis: - Le message d'erreur 404 n'est pas du type "ERROR 404 from OpenNab". Bon ca ca va je l'ai résolu je poste la reponse pour d'autres des fois que j'ai modifier le fichier /etc/apache2/sites-available/default et dans la section < directory /var/www/ > j'ai replacé AllowOverride None par AllowOverride All. maintenant ca marche. - ensuite je vais sur le phpinfo, pas de probleme j'ai bien curl d'installer, par contre le register_global est a off ce qui est normal mais apparement j'ai cru lire qu'il fallait qu'il soit a on (pas bien ca pas bien!) j'ai donc modifier le fichier /var/www/vl/.htaccess et ajouter: - Code:
php_flag register_globals on de facon a ne modifier la directive que pour opennab (bas ouais le reste des mes applis php s'en passe tres bien donc on va eviter de le mettre partout c pas tres propre.) - ensuite page de test et la bas c'est pas vert du tout du tout du tout et j'avoue que je comprend pas tres bien donc si quelqu'un peut me filer un coup de main voila le resultat du test pour moi: - Code:
All tests Fail: testofblock -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails at character 34 with [abcdef01234567899876543210fedcba1a0] and [abcdef01234567899876543210fedcba1a] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_block.php line 38] Fail: testofblock -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails because [Float: 17.5] differs from [Integer: 17] by 0.5 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_block.php line 39] Fail: testofblock -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails at character 21 with [] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_block.php line 41] Fail: testofblock -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails at character 6 with [[05,17.5]abcdef01234567899876543210fedcba1a0] and [[05,17]abcdef01234567899876543210fedcba1a] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_block.php line 42] Fail: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails because [Float: 1.5] differs from [Integer: 1] by 0.5 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 42] Fail: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails because [Float: 23.5] differs from [Integer: 23] by 0.5 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 44] Fail: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails because [Float: 332.5] differs from [Integer: 332] by 0.5 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 46] Fail: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1920] differs from [Integer: 120] by 1800 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 47] Fail: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Equal expectation fails at character 337 with [...c©&§OùòîûúÆÀ�� ùòîûf¬H�Í<ÌЬc¶,l��i²���©��ÂÑî�nýq�$E�¨ùòîûúÆÀ�� ùòîûf¬H�Í<ÌЬc¶,l��i²�^Ìa�«Ü°ù��Â�&�Oát?_gVY!&§OùòîûúÆÀ�� ùòîûf¬H�Í<ÌÐn),îl�^Ì �~µÖc�ùî�nýq�$E [...860df9f2eefb66ac4881cd3cccd0ac63b62c6c988969b29c5ecc6184abdc05b0f9807fc29526834fe1743f5f6756592126a74f11f9f2eefbfac6c09b860df9f2eefb66ac4881cd3cccd06e292cee6c9c5ecca08c7eb5d6639cf9ee876efd71882445ff0a] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 74] Fail: testofping -> testcreatefromscratch -> Equal expectation fails at character 732 with [...4abdc05b0f9807fc29526834fe1743f5f6756592126a74f11f9f2eefbfac6c09b860df9f2eefb66ac4881cd3cccd06e292cee6c9c5ecca08c7eb5d6639cf9ee876efd71882445040000177fffffff01010e280000000000000000000000000a0a00ff0a0] and [...84abdc05b0f9807fc29526834fe1743f5f6756592126a74f11f9f2eefbfac6c09b860df9f2eefb66ac4881cd3cccd06e292cee6c9c5ecca08c7eb5d6639cf9ee876efd71882445040000177fffffff01010e280000000000000000000000000a0a00ff0a] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 81] Fail: testofping -> testcreatefromscratch -> Equal expectation fails at character 742 with [...9807fc29526834fe1743f5f6756592126a74f11f9f2eefbfac6c09b860df9f2eefb66ac4881cd3cccd06e292cee6c9c5ecca08c7eb5d6639cf9ee876efd71882445040000177fffffff01010e280000000000000000000000000a0a000300000178ff0a0] and [...f9807fc29526834fe1743f5f6756592126a74f11f9f2eefbfac6c09b860df9f2eefb66ac4881cd3cccd06e292cee6c9c5ecca08c7eb5d6639cf9ee876efd71882445040000177fffffff01010e280000000000000000000000000a0a000300000178ff0a] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 86] Fail: testofping -> testenhancedmessage -> Equal expectation fails at character 22 with [017fbe9ef43d32dc287b2d0] and [017fbe9ef43d32dc287b2d] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 106] Fail: testofping -> testenhancedmessage -> Equal expectation fails at character 22 with [017fbeffbe3d32dc287b2d0] and [017fbeffbe3d32dc287b2d] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 108]
Fail: testofping -> testreboot -> Equal expectation fails at character 14 with [7f09000000ff0a000] and [7f09000000ff0a] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 139] Fail: testofping -> testreboot -> Equal expectation fails at character 7 with [� at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_ping.php line 140] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1920] differs from [Integer: 120] by 1800 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 64] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1920] differs from [Integer: 120] by 1800 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 66] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1920] differs from [Integer: 120] by 1800 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 78] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails at character 46 with [7fffffff010102020000000000000000000000000000000] and [7fffffff01010202000000000000000000000000000000] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 82] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails at character 46 with [7fffffff010102020000000000000000000000000000000] and [7fffffff01010202000000000000000000000000000000] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 92] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails at character 46 with [7fffffff010102020000000000000000000000000000000] and [7fffffff01010202000000000000000000000000000000] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 102] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Expected false, got [Boolean: true] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 106] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1920] differs from [Integer: 120] by 1800 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 109] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails at character 46 with [7fffffff010102020000000000000000000000000000000] and [7fffffff01010202000000000000000000000000000000] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 113] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1920] differs from [Integer: 120] by 1800 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 121] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails at character 46 with [7fffffff010102020000000000000000000000000000000] and [7fffffff01010202000000000000000000000000000000] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 125] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1920] differs from [Integer: 120] by 1800 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 137] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1920] differs from [Integer: 120] by 1800 at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 139] Fail: testofpluginpinginterval -> testpinginterval -> Equal expectation fails at character 46 with [7fffffff010102020000000000000000000000000000000] and [7fffffff01010202000000000000000000000000000000] at [/var/www/vl/tests/test_plugin_pinginterval.php line 141] 10/10 test cases complete: 131 passes, 35 fails and 0 exceptions.
(bon il en manque un peu cause probleme de collage de certains caracteres) Voila je sais pas trop ce qui deconne d'un autre coté quand je regarde les messages ca parrait normal que les test ne fonctionne pas vu que les valeurs sont bien différentes mais bon.... Merci d'avance de votre aide en esperant que vous puissiez quelque chose pour moi. | |
| | | oaz Silver Nabz
Localisation : Haute-Garonne Nabaztag : oaz (v2) Nbr de messages : 352 Carottes : 6516
| Sujet: Re: Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu Jeu 1 Mar 2007 - 0:56 | |
| Tu es sûr que c'est un php 4.4.x que tu utilises ? (cf /vl/tests/phpinfo.php) Parce que les erreurs qui se produisent me font étonnament penser à des erreurs que l'on m'a remontées sur php 5.1.x qui a un bug dans le 'unpack'.
Pour le register_global, seuls certains appels de la page /vl/api_demo en dépendent. Ce sera corrigé dans OpenNab 0.06 (qui tarde à sortir je sais mais là je pense qu'on tient le bon bout) | |
| | | nabk0 Lapin nain
Localisation : france Nbr de messages : 9 Carottes : 6406
| Sujet: Re: Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu Jeu 1 Mar 2007 - 0:59 | |
| oui oui je suis sur pour dire voila ce que renvoie le phpinfo PHP Version 4.4.2-1.1 (ca c'est de la reponse rapide ) | |
| | | oaz Silver Nabz
Localisation : Haute-Garonne Nabaztag : oaz (v2) Nbr de messages : 352 Carottes : 6516
| Sujet: Re: Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu Jeu 1 Mar 2007 - 1:21 | |
| Alors peut être que ce bug existe aussi en 4.4.2 Je n'ai testé qu'en 4.4.3, 4.4.4 et 5.2.0 | |
| | | nabk0 Lapin nain
Localisation : france Nbr de messages : 9 Carottes : 6406
| Sujet: Re: Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu Jeu 1 Mar 2007 - 1:34 | |
| ok bon je vois, j'ai plus qu'a changer ma version de php :'( bon bas je verrais ca plus tard maintenant c'est l'heure du dodo Merci de ta reponse rapide en tout cas. | |
| | | Lucator Lapin nain
Localisation : panam Nbr de messages : 1 Carottes : 6299
| Sujet: Re: Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu Dim 17 Juin 2007 - 21:15 | |
| Tient, nous sommes peut nombreux a avoir ce bug je tourne sous windows vista, easy php, avec le curl activé avec la version PHP Version 4.3.10 et je pense avoir la meme erreur, a savoir opennab 0.06 - Code:
Exception: testofblock -> testpackunpack -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\block.php line 41] Exception: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Unexpected PHP error [Undefined index: v] severity [E_NOTICE] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\request.php line 34] Exception: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\block.php line 41] Exception: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\block.php line 41] Exception: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\block.php line 41] Exception: testofping -> testpackunpack -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\ping.php line 74] Exception: testofping -> testemptyblock -> Unexpected PHP error [Undefined index: v] severity [E_NOTICE] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\request.php line 34] Exception: testofping -> testemptyblock -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\block.php line 41] Exception: testofping -> testemptyblock -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\block.php line 41] Exception: testofping -> testemptyblock -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\block.php line 41] Exception: testofping -> testemptyblock -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\ping.php line 74] Exception: testofping -> testcreatefromscratch -> Unexpected PHP error [Undefined index: v] severity [E_NOTICE] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\request.php line 34] Exception: testofping -> testcreatefromscratch -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\tests\test_ping.php line 74] Exception: testofping -> testcreatefromscratch -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\tests\test_ping.php line 81] Exception: testofping -> testcreatefromscratch -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\tests\test_ping.php line 86] Exception: testofping -> testenhancedmessage -> Unexpected PHP error [Undefined index: v] severity [E_NOTICE] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\request.php line 34] Exception: testofping -> testenhancedmessage -> Unexpected PHP error [Undefined index: v] severity [E_NOTICE] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\request.php line 34] Exception: testofping -> testenhancedmessage -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\block.php line 41] Exception: testofping -> testenhancedmessage -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\ping.php line 74] Exception: testofping -> testenhancedmessage -> Unexpected PHP error [unpack(): Type H: outside of string] severity [E_WARNING] in [c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\vl\includes\messageblock.php line 78] 12/12 test cases complete: 197 passes, 0 fails and 118 exceptions. Juste pour préciser qu'a priori, cela ne viendrais pas de la version du php | |
| | | rouge Lapin nain
Age : 47 Localisation : chaville (parce que lapinville, y'a pas) Nabaztag : panpanrouge Nbr de messages : 9 Carottes : 6289
| Sujet: Re: Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu Mer 26 Sep 2007 - 0:31 | |
| j'ai eu exactement le meme probleme (ubunut + php 4.4.2-1.1), un petit apt-get install php5, et hop, c'est passé (maintenant en 5.1.6, ca tourne)... | |
| | | Contenu sponsorisé
| Sujet: Re: Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu | |
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| | | | Aide installation opennab 0.0.5 sur ubuntu | |
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