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 Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Age : 58
Localisation : Wolverhampton, UK
Nabaztag : sipig
Nbr de messages : 22
Carottes : 6557

Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Empty
MessageSujet: Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange   Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Icon_minitimeDim 10 Juin 2007 - 12:45

I've had my nabaztag for almost a year now, and apart from connection problems when the servers have been down, it has been working perfectly...until this week.

On Thursday his bottom turned yellow as though he had lost his connection. A couple of hours later it was still yellow, so I power-cycled him. In the past this has usually worked and has forced a reconnection.

But not this time. Now first light blinks orange, then all the others. It has been like this for 3 days now. Power-cycling doesn't work.

I have changed nothing on my network and can connect to nabaztag in ad hoc mode. All the settings are as they should be. When I hit the button to connect I lose the connection from PC to nabaztag (as I expected) and then...nothing ... just the orange lights.

Any ideas anyone? Please!

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Yellow Subadmin

Age : 56
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zvi (V1) et Zeev (V2)
Nbr de messages : 10056
Carottes : 6906

Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange   Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Icon_minitimeDim 10 Juin 2007 - 15:50


Seems that you are not the only one having this problem scratch

Are you sure that nothing had changed on your network? Didn't you add a new material?
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Age : 58
Localisation : Wolverhampton, UK
Nabaztag : sipig
Nbr de messages : 22
Carottes : 6557

Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange   Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Icon_minitimeDim 10 Juin 2007 - 18:31

No - nothing changed at all. Went to bed Wednesday - all okay.
Got up Thursday - not working!

I have just connected to nabaztag and hit the scan option on the configuration page - it finds all the other wireless networks in my street, but not mine...
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Yellow Subadmin

Age : 56
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zvi (V1) et Zeev (V2)
Nbr de messages : 10056
Carottes : 6906

Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange   Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Icon_minitimeDim 10 Juin 2007 - 20:25

Type your network manually in the text field allowed to it.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Age : 58
Localisation : Wolverhampton, UK
Nabaztag : sipig
Nbr de messages : 22
Carottes : 6557

Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange   Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Icon_minitimeLun 11 Juin 2007 - 0:55

Hmmm...eventually managed to get him to connect this evening by continually rebooting my router and refreshing the networks page on the nabaztag setup page, but now some things are not working yellownabzsad

He has told the time only once since 17:00 (it is no 23:50), he plays MP3s, and tells me of emails, but does not read messages (sent via web site or via email) - his ears move and his lights flash, but no message is read. On my nabaztag page on the web site, the message is shown as having been read.

Is this yet another server problem? I can find nothing on the nabaztag site that tells of any problems.

I love my nabaztag, but do not love the standard of service that we pay for from Violet ( I am full friend rabbit) - so many times things go wrong with no word from Violet of the problem.
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Yellow Subadmin

Age : 56
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zvi (V1) et Zeev (V2)
Nbr de messages : 10056
Carottes : 6906

Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange   Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Icon_minitimeLun 11 Juin 2007 - 7:32

Sometimes the synthetic voice is out of order. Don't worry. It'll be back soon nabzsmile
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Age : 58
Localisation : Wolverhampton, UK
Nabaztag : sipig
Nbr de messages : 22
Carottes : 6557

Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange   Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Icon_minitimeLun 11 Juin 2007 - 11:20


Connection lost again this morning.

I am getting very frustrated now yellownabzsad
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Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange   Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange Icon_minitime

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Connected one day, not connected the next -all lights orange
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