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 Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag

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3 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Cumbria, UK
Nbr de messages : 3
Carottes : 6073

Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Empty
MessageSujet: Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag   Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Icon_minitimeMer 30 Jan 2008 - 1:05

Any advice would really help!

I have just got my nab today and I am already having problems! I have been connected ok for for most of the day, He read me a RSS reed earlier and I thought that all was well.

Since then I thought that he was quiet and didn't interact very much, as he is nice and new I went onto and sent my self a message. This message didnt come through I did expect not being instant but it still has not come through 3 hours later. On it is still showing the mesage has not been played yet. I notice that in my preferences it says that my Nab is offline although the light is flashing purple on the bottom of my nab. I have tried to switch him off and on but the light is still flashing and not working.

I have also tried to send him radio from and this doesn't work, This doesn't surprise me as it didn't work when my nab was working. I do want to keep him as he is adorable but will have to send it back if I have wasted my money!

P.S I was rubbish at French at school how does everyone cope trying to create topics LOL!

Thank you!
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Age : 63
Localisation : 3ème planète en partant du Soleil
Nabaztag : Gizmo3 (v2)
Nbr de messages : 161
Carottes : 6541

Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag   Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Icon_minitimeMer 30 Jan 2008 - 8:23


It seems that Violet has some problem with its servers these days. It must be not a problem with your rabbit.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Cumbria, UK
Nbr de messages : 3
Carottes : 6073

Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag   Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Icon_minitimeMer 30 Jan 2008 - 11:22

Thanks for the response Al1, I come down this morning and he was nice and awake flashing away to let me know its sunny yellownabzhappy

I am also having problems with uploading an MP3 to My Music, i get the error message 'error in upload' I have no idea why, I have even tried smaller files lower bit rate etc

ANyone else having problems nabzsteam
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Frénétik Nabaztrice
Frénétik Nabaztrice

Age : 49
Localisation : Anse Lapin
Nabaztag : Hunta (v2)
Nbr de messages : 3832
Carottes : 6527

Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag   Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Icon_minitimeMer 30 Jan 2008 - 12:17

DaisyTag a écrit:
I am also having problems with uploading an MP3 to My Music, i get the error message 'error in upload' I have no idea why, I have even tried smaller files lower bit rate etc

ANyone else having problems nabzsteam
Hi nabzciao
If your mp3 files are 44.100 kHz (which usually is default for encoders), it probably means there's something wrong with your account. In this case you'd better ask Violet. yellownabzitslife
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Cumbria, UK
Nbr de messages : 3
Carottes : 6073

Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag   Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Icon_minitimeMer 30 Jan 2008 - 12:48

Thanks - I have now asked
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Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag   Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag Icon_minitime

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Ny new Nabaztag DaisyTag
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