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 what to do when...

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : New Zealand
Nbr de messages : 19
Carottes : 6087

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MessageSujet: what to do when...   what to do when... Icon_minitimeLun 10 Mar 2008 - 1:01

My neighbours network interferes with rabbit connecting to my network.

The only time my rabbit has connected to my network has been when my neighbours turned theirs off.

We have changed our channel to 11, they are on 6.

But rabbit still doesn't connect to my network.

What else can i do?

(i think this is the reason he doesn't connect, if any other theories, please share) nabzasking
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : New Zealand
Nbr de messages : 19
Carottes : 6087

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MessageSujet: Re: what to do when...   what to do when... Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Mar 2008 - 19:18


they are on wep and we are on wpa.. will it make a difference if we change to wep?
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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Age : 44
Localisation : Maisons-Alfort
Nabaztag : Yakkuru
Nbr de messages : 91
Carottes : 6528

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MessageSujet: Re: what to do when...   what to do when... Icon_minitimeMer 19 Mar 2008 - 13:31

Hi Niffo,

Have you consult the web doc about the connection web doc
I think you could set up your local network in the config mode of your banaztag (when all flashes are blue) through the interface on your web navigator.

If your rabbit is configured on your network, there is no reason it connect on neighbour's one.

I hope this could help you.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : New Zealand
Nbr de messages : 19
Carottes : 6087

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MessageSujet: Re: what to do when...   what to do when... Icon_minitimeMer 19 Mar 2008 - 18:48

yes, i have set up it to connect onto ours, but it just doesn't seem to want to do it.

now he just sits there, all green. whenever i unplug him and replug him he turns orange to green but doesn't turn his ears and his bottom is green. the middle light flashes off then back on then he sits there just green.

i wish there was just an all round easy solution that i could do to just make him work
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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Age : 44
Localisation : Maisons-Alfort
Nabaztag : Yakkuru
Nbr de messages : 91
Carottes : 6528

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MessageSujet: Re: what to do when...   what to do when... Icon_minitimeMer 19 Mar 2008 - 23:01

I have 2 nabz (V1 and V2) but I don't use to config on another network. You should send an email to, they will help you. They would have the solution.
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MessageSujet: Re: what to do when...   what to do when... Icon_minitime

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