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 Untimely voice recognition & loud whistling.

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : England
Nbr de messages : 1
Carottes : 5814

Untimely voice recognition & loud whistling. Empty
MessageSujet: Untimely voice recognition & loud whistling.   Untimely voice recognition & loud whistling. Icon_minitimeMar 26 Aoû 2008 - 19:04

I'm a brand new owner of a Nabaztag tag,
I saw it for sale in PC world in June, and after a month of pondering over it, we decided we needed one in our lives, and went and bought him yesterday!

We set him up fine (eventually!) and we're gradually learning how to work him and have encountered no problems that couldnt be fixed by a quick off and on again, however something happened about half an hour ago that confused me quite a lot and I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same thing happen, and if they could shed any light on it?

We were trying to get him to find a radio station, we held the top button in, waited for the noise, spoke, released the button and waited for the second noise. We have no problem doing this as we have successfully used voice commands before, but on this occasion, the voice recognition lights (the three red lights on his belly) continued to respond to noises in the room for about a minute after, and then he let out a high pitched whistling tone, which at first I thought nothing of, but when I tried to turn down his volume/turn off his volume, I couldnt. He wasnt responding to his volume switch and the only way I could silence him was by turning him off at the plug :|

Sorry if this has been dealt with before, I did look through previous posts looking for an answer but couldnt find anything.

Any light shed would be great, thankyou yellownabzsmile

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Silver Nabz
Silver Nabz

Age : 39
Localisation : InTheMatrix
Nabaztag : DrBailey (V2), DrGrey (V1)
Nbr de messages : 482
Carottes : 6512

Untimely voice recognition & loud whistling. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Untimely voice recognition & loud whistling.   Untimely voice recognition & loud whistling. Icon_minitimeMer 27 Aoû 2008 - 9:33

Hello Bijouxbunny,

This behaviour is very strange, and may need some tests with the support.

This may be due to the firmware (the current firmware is
You can see your rabbit's firmware by going on its configuration page, and look at the bottom of the page (the last line).

If a problem is linked to a faulty components or software inside your rabbit, we will tell you how to replace it.

I invite you to contact the support to:
and explain these strange attitudes.

Best regards,

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Untimely voice recognition & loud whistling.
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