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 Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(

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3 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Groningen - Netherlands
Nabaztag : Nijntje
Nbr de messages : 4
Carottes : 5746

Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan 2009 - 1:07

Hello Nabaztag-friends!

I have followed your forum for some time now and i recently registered myself and bought a Nabaztag/tag. It works fine, except some things don't work completely. The rabbit doesn't go to sleep or wake up at given times. Only when i edit the settings, and for example i say it should sleep at 14.30 and it is 14.29, it will go to sleep after i activate the settings. But it won't wake up. And if i get her to wake up, she doesnt want to sleep anymore. Also, when i ask for a weather forecast at a set time, it doesnt give the forecast at all nabzsleeping .

And i found out that streaming audio doesnt work very well when the bitrate comes above 128. Anyone knows a solution for it?

Thanks in advance!

Ronald and his nabaztag/tag Nijntje

The Netherlands
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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : Germany
Nabaztag : nafcom
Nbr de messages : 51
Carottes : 6339

Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan 2009 - 1:29

What your problem sounds like is a slight connection issue, I had the same recently and fixed it. I wrote about it pretty detailed on my blog.

It can happen if the connection is not decent enough and steady.

I had this problems too like you described and after a while even worse (only worked for an hour or so) but now it works perfect.

To your screaming problem: This is known and no solution for this so far, as soon as I know
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Frénétik Nabaztrice
Frénétik Nabaztrice

Age : 49
Localisation : Anse Lapin
Nabaztag : Hunta (v2)
Nbr de messages : 3832
Carottes : 6527

Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan 2009 - 2:17

Goeden dag Jackdaw !

First point : be sure your "time zone" and "wake up/sleep time" parameters are the sames on both AND (if you don't know how to log in there, please check this topic : That's in French but, images are images)

Second point : forget about this ! Your bunny definitely ain't no wham-bam-super-webradio-player : even with a good connection, no encryption, a fixed IP and so on... To choose streams around 64 kbps is a good compromise...
Maybe I've missed a third point, but I don't think so. yellownabzsmile
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Groningen - Netherlands
Nabaztag : Nijntje
Nbr de messages : 4
Carottes : 5746

Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan 2009 - 14:25

Haha, Bonjour, ca va? I can follow most of the french forum with my little knowledge of the french language and with Google Translate ofcourse yellownabzsmile.

Well, i think Nijntje is connected OK, cause she responds to my commands with no delay. If I give her the command to go listen to a radio station from the or through the API, she will respond instantly. But after one minute of playing she stops playing or playing very very badly with hiccups. But I think I should only play 64 or maybe 96 streams then yellownabzsmile.

The sleep problem is very strange. If I change my settings on my.violet they automatically get changed to that values on my.nabaztag. So I know that those values are correct. Same goes for the timezone. They are both set on the correct timezone, but no sigar yellownabzsad.

Thanks for the help!
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Frénétik Nabaztrice
Frénétik Nabaztrice

Age : 49
Localisation : Anse Lapin
Nabaztag : Hunta (v2)
Nbr de messages : 3832
Carottes : 6527

Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan 2009 - 14:27

You'd better contact Violet ! yellownabzitslife
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Groningen - Netherlands
Nabaztag : Nijntje
Nbr de messages : 4
Carottes : 5746

Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan 2009 - 14:29

OK, will do. Thanks! I will let you know how things work out.
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Frénétik Nabaztrice
Frénétik Nabaztrice

Age : 49
Localisation : Anse Lapin
Nabaztag : Hunta (v2)
Nbr de messages : 3832
Carottes : 6527

Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan 2009 - 14:35

Great ! bounce And take care there in your nice flat country !
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Groningen - Netherlands
Nabaztag : Nijntje
Nbr de messages : 4
Carottes : 5746

Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitimeMer 21 Jan 2009 - 17:56

I have fixed the problem!! I think the problem was in the 12/24hour setting, it can't handle the 24h setting properly. So after I had the changed it to 12h the problems were gone. So, sleeping, alarmclock and all that stuff work correct now. Great!!
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Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(   Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =( Icon_minitime

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Rabbit suffers from Insomnia =(
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