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 OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)

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3 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Rome, Italie
Nbr de messages : 21
Carottes : 4812

OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeDim 18 Sep 2011 - 20:22

Mais vous pouvez répondre en français... yellownabzsmile

I just installed OpenJabNab on lighttpd on a Debian Lenny VM (it's more a joke than other, I'm an happy user os

The systems apparently works, ojn_admin works admin/admin connects, I can resister my bunny (and I have a file in bunnies/

When my rap pit tries to connect I got:
void HttpHandler::HandleBunnyHTTPRequest() : Unable to handle HTTP Request :
  • URL : /vl/bc.jsp
  • Get Args :
    • h => 4
    • l => 00:00:00:00:00:00
    • m => 00:13:d3:81:06:76
    • p => 00:00:00:00:00:00
    • v =>

On dump.log I have:
18/09/2011 20:19:26 - HTTP Request - /vl/bc.jsp?v=
Many rows, one for each attempt.

Nothing on lighttpd error log.

I tried both true and false in AllowAnonymousRegistration and AllowUserManageBunny

I think it is something really stupid what's missing... yellownabzsmile Any help will be appreciated...

btw: I managed to compile also bootstrap directory... what's the usage of it?

Thank you again! yellownabzsmile
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : PACA
Nabaztag : Lapinou
Nbr de messages : 182
Carottes : 5210

OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeDim 18 Sep 2011 - 22:24

Perhaps a problem with your XMPP port (5222 I guess).
Are you sure you have opened it on your guest firewall ?

EDIT: Je lis trop vite et m'emballe; peut-être aurais-je mieux fait de répondre en français... Dis-moi si mon anglais est trop indigeste pour un estomac italien.
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Pixel du Rezo
Special Nabz
Special Nabz

Age : 44
Localisation : Montpellier
Nabaztag : Ptiloo (V1), Kymoo (V2), Mymoo (V2), Lyloo (V2), Maryloo (V2), Faitoo (V2), Titoo (V2), Kachoo (Karotz)
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OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeDim 18 Sep 2011 - 23:04

I'm not a lighttd user, so it's difficult for me to answer.
But when using apache, there is a rewrite rule (in http-wrapper/.htaccess) to redirect every call to vl/bc.jsp to the bootcode.

Maybe you could try o search in that direction.

And about XMPP port (5222), it's not used until the bytecode is downloaded yellownabzwink (and the bytecode is downloaded with bc.jsp)


Toutes les infos sur mon serveur openJabNab sont sur mon wiki nabaztag/tag et openJabnab
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Rome, Italie
Nbr de messages : 21
Carottes : 4812

OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeDim 18 Sep 2011 - 23:52

@Alexjd xmpp is OK I can connect via telnet address port (and you english is better than mine, probably). yellownabzsmile

@pixel that seems the right direction... I have the rewrite rules as in README.lightly and apparently, works for /vl (because I got the call to openjabnab.php) but that seems the right direction... I'll try to investigate it. Thank you! I'll make you know, in any case...
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Rome, Italie
Nbr de messages : 21
Carottes : 4812

OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeLun 19 Sep 2011 - 0:29

The rewrite rules says that:
"^vl/bc.jsp$" => "/ojn_local/bootcode/bootcode.default"
bootcode.default does not exists yellownabzsmile In the distro there is bootcode.ojn and boot code.violet, copying whatever on boot code.default have no effect.
I have also recompiled the boot code and transferred here but it's the same of boot code.ojn (that was, probably, expected).
The GET of the bootcode gets a "404 Not Found" answer from openjabnab process, the chain between lighttpd, the openjabnab.php and the openjabnab daemon seems to work.
The problem is related to rewrite rule for sure, it is not working as in readme...
Asking directly for the bootcode works (of course)...
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Rome, Italie
Nbr de messages : 21
Carottes : 4812

OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeLun 19 Sep 2011 - 0:55

the url.rewrite-once rule in README.lightly should read

url.rewrite-once += (
    "^/vl/bc.jsp.*" => "/ojn_local/bootcode/bootcode.default",
instead of
url.rewrite-once += (
    "^vl/bc.jsp$" => "/ojn_local/bootcode/bootcode.default",
the rest of the rule is OK.
The bunny is still a bit strange... yellownabzsmile the led down center is first blue, then remains red and I have in log
Requesting LOCATE for tag 0013d3810676
HTTP request made from the bunny was
GET /vl/locate.jsp?sn=0013d3810676&h=4&v=18673 HTTP/1.0" 200 64 "-" "MTL
/ojn_admin (logging as /admin) seems to lose my bunny every time I restart the server... and my bunny seems disconnected...
But this will go to tomorrow. nabzgo
Thank you for your support. nabzsmile
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Rome, Italie
Nbr de messages : 21
Carottes : 4812

OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeMar 20 Sep 2011 - 14:54

Just to make you know that openjabnab is now working under lighttpd with the patch on the previous message. I'll push the patch on git (as soon as I understand how to do it, I normally use svn). yellownabzsmile
The remaining error (the LOCATE one) was caused by the lack of DNS (reverse DNS).
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Pixel du Rezo
Special Nabz
Special Nabz

Age : 44
Localisation : Montpellier
Nabaztag : Ptiloo (V1), Kymoo (V2), Mymoo (V2), Lyloo (V2), Maryloo (V2), Faitoo (V2), Titoo (V2), Kachoo (Karotz)
Nbr de messages : 2708
Carottes : 13306

OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeMar 20 Sep 2011 - 16:16

Congratulations yellownabzwink


Toutes les infos sur mon serveur openJabNab sont sur mon wiki nabaztag/tag et openJabnab
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Rome, Italie
Nbr de messages : 21
Carottes : 4812

OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitimeMar 20 Sep 2011 - 18:20

Thank you, pixel for the nice piece of software (and for the help in installing it). yellownabzsmile If you ever need an hand, just give me a shout. yellownabzwink
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OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)   OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english) Icon_minitime

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OpenJabNab installation not registering my rabbit (sorry english)
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