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 Nabaztag servers’ update on February 23rd

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Violet - The Next Generation
Violet - The Next Generation

Localisation : Paris
Nbr de messages : 11
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Nabaztag servers’ update on February 23rd Empty
MessageSujet: Nabaztag servers’ update on February 23rd   Nabaztag servers’ update on February 23rd Icon_minitimeMer 22 Fév 2012 - 18:11

Hello everybody,

If you own a Nabaztag:tag connected to our website, here is an important information.

We will proceed this Thursday, February 23rd, to Nabaztag servers’ update.

Servers won’t be available during this operation. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

When the servers will be back online end of the day tomorrow, your Nabaztag:tag will reconnect themselves automatically for most of you.

For those of you who connect their Nabaztag:tag with the server IP address, you will have to set them up on the following address:

Thanks a lot for your attention

Violet and the Karotz Team
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Nabaztag servers’ update on February 23rd
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