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 Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag...

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Poland
Nbr de messages : 11
Carottes : 4536

Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag... Empty
MessageSujet: Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag...   Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag... Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin 2012 - 7:43

I have this model:
Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag... Nabaztag1

I did everything like in istruction but rabbit still flashing...
What did I do:

0. Now I'm connected with network via ADSL router. My SSID is (for example) HOME, WEP key is (for example) 55555.
1. Press button on head and plug power cord. All 4 light are blue.
2. In my wireless manager (in notebook) I connect to nabaztag63.
3. I go to
4. I fill form - SSID and WEP key.
5. Save form.

After all my notebook automatically connect to old (HOME) wireless network.
And rabbit does it:

What should I do? Where is mistake?
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Pixel du Rezo
Special Nabz
Special Nabz

Age : 45
Localisation : Montpellier
Nabaztag : Ptiloo (V1), Kymoo (V2), Mymoo (V2), Lyloo (V2), Maryloo (V2), Faitoo (V2), Titoo (V2), Kachoo (Karotz)
Nbr de messages : 2708
Carottes : 13333

Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag...   Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag... Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin 2012 - 9:52

could you give us the value in the "Violet plateform" (at the bottom of the config page) ?
If you want to test another server, you could try mine : replace what you have in the violet plateform field with and send me a MP with the MAC address (serial number) of your rabbit, so that I can check everything during connection.
Currently, my server is only on "France" timezone, but I except to change this in less than a week. (you could send my by MP or in this thread your timezone).
The admin page is located at , it's a mix between french and english, and I hope I can correct this as soon as possible yellownabzwink


Toutes les infos sur mon serveur openJabNab sont sur mon wiki nabaztag/tag et openJabnab
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Help, I can't connect with Nabaztag...
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