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 utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab

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2 participants
Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab Empty
MessageSujet: utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab   utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juil 2016 - 19:36

very very simple program...

utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab ( dir ...... /server/bin/accounts )

instructions for compile:
into the server with openjabnab installed (qt4)

qmake -r

ojnra account_filename


ojnra new

will create sysadm.dat width file user account: sysadm and password: sysadm

remember to change the permissions of the file with
chmod 777 sysadm sysadm.dat
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Red Kryptonite Nabz
Red Kryptonite Nabz

Age : 59
Localisation : 77 LE MEE SUR SEINE
Nabaztag : CRISTAL77 & ANDROID V2
Nbr de messages : 10713
Carottes : 13633

utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab Empty
MessageSujet: Re: utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab   utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab Icon_minitimeDim 3 Juil 2016 - 22:06

grazzie per gli interesati!!!
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utility to read accounts files created with openjabnab
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