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 bytecode nominal et simulateur

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bytecode nominal et simulateur Empty
MessageSujet: bytecode nominal et simulateur   bytecode nominal et simulateur Icon_minitimeVen 26 Jan 2018 - 19:05

Bonsoir à tous,
quelqu'un travaille à partir du dépôt "mtl_linux" de Redox ?
Le compilo métal a l'air de se construire très bien, mais quand je lance ./mtl_simu --logs init,vm,simunet après avoir activé le "var SIMU" dans le nominal.mtl, j'ai :

Metal Virtual Machine
V0.2 - Sylvain Huet - 2005
Compiler : compiling file 'nominal.mtl'
Compiler : proto main : fun [] w0
Compiler : var SIMU : w0
Compiler : var NOMINAL : w0
Compiler : var AUDIOLIB : w0
Compiler : var AUDIOLIB : w0
Compiler : var EARSLIB : w0
Compiler : var INFOLIB : w0
Compiler : var RECLIB : w0
Compiler : var HARDWARE : I
Compiler : var DNSLOCAL : I
Compiler : proto buttoncheckevent : fun [] w0
Compiler : initW : fun [] Wifi
Compiler : gomasterW : fun [] Wifi
Compiler : masterW : fun [] Wifi
Compiler : gostationW : fun [w0] Wifi
Compiler : dhcpW : fun [w0] Wifi
Compiler : stationW : fun [] Wifi
Compiler : reconnectW : fun [] Wifi
Compiler : Wifi : constructor

Compiler : var wifi : w0
Compiler : var netip : S
Compiler : var netmask : S
Compiler : var netgateway : S
Compiler : var netdns : S
Compiler : var mymac : w0
Compiler : var macbroadcast : S
Compiler : var ipbroadcast : S
Compiler : var master : I
Compiler : var netip_empty : S
Compiler : var netip_master : S
Compiler : var netmask_master : S
Compiler : var netgateway_master : S
Compiler : var wifiscans : w0
Compiler : var IEEE80211_CRYPT_NONE : I
Compiler : var IEEE80211_CRYPT_WEP64 : I
Compiler : var IEEE80211_CRYPT_WEP128 : I
Compiler : var IEEE80211_CRYPT_WPA : I
Compiler : var IEEE80211_CRYPT_WPA_UNSUPPORTED : I
Compiler : var IEEE80211_AUTH_OPEN : I
Compiler : var IEEE80211_AUTH_SHARED : I
Compiler : var FIRMWARE : I
Compiler : strstr : fun [S S I] I
Compiler : itoanil : fun [list I] list I
Compiler : listlen : fun [list u0] I
Compiler : listrem : fun [list u0 u0] list u0
Compiler : slistlen : fun [list S] I
Compiler : listnth : fun [list u0 I] u0
Compiler : listtostr : fun [list I] S
Compiler : atoibin2 : fun [S] S
Compiler : countpattern : fun [S S I] I
Compiler : strreplace2 : fun [S S S S I I] u0
Compiler : strreplace : fun [S S S] S
Compiler : rev : fun [list u0 list u0] list u0
Compiler : remfromlist : fun [list u0 u0] list u0
Compiler : insert : fun [u0 list u0 fun [u0 u0] I] list u0
Compiler : sort : fun [list u0 fun [u0 u0] I] list u0
Compiler : select : fun [list u0 u1 fun [u0 u1] I] list u0
Compiler : conc : fun [list u0 list u0] list u0
Compiler : _useparamip : fun [S I S I] u0
Compiler : useparamip : fun [S] S
Compiler : webip : fun [S] S
Compiler : _webmac : fun [S I] list S
Compiler : webmac : fun [S] S
Compiler : proto setleds : fun [w0] w1
Compiler : MACecho : fun [S I I] S
Compiler : SEQecho : fun [S I I] S
Compiler : IPecho : fun [S I I] S
Compiler : itoh4 : fun [I] S
Compiler : dump : fun [S] S
Compiler : dumpscan : fun [list [S S S u0 u1 u2 u3]] list [S S S u0 u1 u2 u3]
Compiler : var CONF_SERVERURL : I
Compiler : var CONF_NETDHCP : I
Compiler : var CONF_NETIP : I
Compiler : var CONF_NETMASK : I
Compiler : var CONF_NETGATEWAY : I
Compiler : var CONF_NETDNS : I
Compiler : var CONF_WIFISSID : I
Compiler : var CONF_WIFIAUTH : I
Compiler : var CONF_WIFICRYPT : I
Compiler : var CONF_WIFIKEY0 : I
Compiler : var CONF_PROXYENABLE : I
Compiler : var CONF_PROXYIP : I
Compiler : var CONF_PROXYPORT : I
Compiler : var CONF_LOGIN : I
Compiler : var CONF_PWD : I
Compiler : var CONF_WIFIPMK : I
Compiler : var CONF_MAGIC : I
Compiler : var CONF_LENGTH : I
Compiler : var conf : w0
Compiler : confSave : fun [] I
Compiler : confInit : fun [] S
Compiler : confGet : fun [I I] S
Compiler : confGetbin : fun [I I] S
Compiler : confGetstr : fun [I I] S
Compiler : confSet : fun [I S I] S
Compiler : confSetbin : fun [I S I] S
Compiler : confSetstr : fun [I S I] S
Compiler : webport : fun [S] I
Compiler : confGetWifissid : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetWificrypt : fun [] I
Compiler : confGetWifikey0 : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetWifiauth : fun [] I
Compiler : confGetWifipmk : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetDhcp : fun [] I
Compiler : confGetNetip : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetNetmask : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetNetgateway : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetNetdns : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetServerUrl : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetLogin : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetPwd : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetProxy : fun [] I
Compiler : confGetProxyip : fun [] S
Compiler : confGetProxyport : fun [] I
Compiler : var TCPWRITE : I
Compiler : var TCPREAD : I
Compiler : var TCPCLOSE : I
Compiler : var TCPSTART : I
Compiler : udpsend : fun [u0 I S I S u1] I
Compiler : var ludp : w0
Compiler : regudp : fun [I w0] list [I w0]
Compiler : resetudp : fun [] list [I w0]
Compiler : netudp : fun [I w0 w1] w2
Compiler : var ltcp : w0
Compiler : writetcp : fun [I S I] I
Compiler : remtcp : fun [list [u0 u1] u0] list [u0 u1]
Compiler : updatetcp : fun [list [u0 u1] u0 u1] list [u0 u1]
Compiler : closetcp : fun [I] I
Compiler : tcpcb : fun [I w0] w0
Compiler : listentcp : fun [I w0] list [I w0]
Compiler : opentcp : fun [u0 u1 S I w2] I
Compiler : enabletcp : fun [I I] I
Compiler : nettcp : fun [I I S] w0
Compiler : startdhcp : fun [] I
Compiler : startdhcpserver : fun [] I
Compiler : nettime : fun [] I
Compiler : netstart : fun [] I
Compiler : parsequ : fun [S I] I
Compiler : parsequs : fun [S I I] I
Compiler : skipname : fun [S I] I
Compiler : parseans : fun [S I I] S
Compiler : parsemsg : fun [S] S
Compiler : filterdns : fun [S] S
Compiler : question : fun [I S] S
Compiler : var dnsid : I
Compiler : idD : fun [Dns] w0
Compiler : domainD : fun [Dns] w0
Compiler : reqD : fun [Dns] w0
Compiler : timeoutD : fun [Dns] w0
Compiler : cbD : fun [Dns] w0
Compiler : Dns : struct (5)

Compiler : var ldnsreq : w0
Compiler : var ldns : w0
Compiler : dnsreq : fun [S fun [w0] w1] I
Compiler : selectbyid : fun [Dns I] I
Compiler : cbnetdns : fun [S u0 u1] I
Compiler : filterdnsdead : fun [list Dns] list Dns
Compiler : dnstime : fun [] I
Compiler : startdnsclient : fun [] I
Compiler : var HTTP_NORMAL : I
Compiler : var HTTP_STREAM : I
Compiler : var HTTP_DIRECT : I
Compiler : var HTTP_SOLVE : I
Compiler : var HTTP_REACH : I
Compiler : var HTTP_CONNECTED : I
Compiler : var lasthttpevent : w0
Compiler : cnxH : fun [Httpreq] w0
Compiler : inputH : fun [Httpreq] w0
Compiler : outputH : fun [Httpreq] w0
Compiler : indexH : fun [Httpreq] w0
Compiler : cbH : fun [Httpreq] w0
Compiler : typeH : fun [Httpreq] w0
Compiler : stateH : fun [Httpreq] w0
Compiler : aliveH : fun [Httpreq] w0
Compiler : Httpreq : struct (8)

Compiler : tcpread : fun [I S Httpreq] w0
Compiler : tcpwrite : fun [I Httpreq] w0
Compiler : var http_prefurl : S
Compiler : isip : fun [S I] I
Compiler : cuturl : fun [S] [S I S]
Compiler : tcpevent : fun [I I S Httpreq] I
Compiler : httpsendreq : fun [S [I Httpreq]] I
Compiler : httprequest : fun [S S S fun [Httpreq S] w0 I] Httpreq
Compiler : httpabort : fun [Httpreq] I
Compiler : httpenable : fun [Httpreq I] I
Compiler : httpstate : fun [Httpreq] I
Compiler : httpinactive : fun [Httpreq] I
Compiler : var http_sep : S
Compiler : httpgetheader : fun [S] S
Compiler : httpgetcontent : fun [S] S
Compiler : var lrec : w0
Compiler : var recording : I
Compiler : sqrt_ : fun [I I I] I
Compiler : sqrt : fun [I] I
Compiler : var buff : w0
Compiler : var buffx : w0
Compiler : var buffy : w0
Compiler : cbrec : fun [S] I
Compiler : itobin4 : fun [I] S
Compiler : liststrlen : fun [list S I] I
Compiler : mkriff : fun [list S] list S
Compiler : recstart : fun [] I
Compiler : recstop : fun [] I
Compiler : recriff : fun [] list S
Compiler : var WAV_IDLE : I
Compiler : var WAV_RUN : I
Compiler : var WAV_EOF : I
Compiler : var WAV_BUFFER_MAXSIZE : I
Compiler : var WAV_END_TIMEOUT : I
Compiler : var WAV_NET_TIMEOUT : I
Compiler : var wav_end_timeout : w0
Compiler : var wav_state : I
Compiler : var wav_http : w0
Compiler : var wav_fifo : w0
Compiler : var wav_buffering : w0
Compiler : var wav_index : w0
Compiler : var wav_lasttime : w0
Compiler : var wav_lastnet : w0
Compiler : var wav_zeros : w0
Compiler : var lastvol : w0
Compiler : var forcedvol : I
Compiler : volfrombutton : fun [I] I
Compiler : updatevol : fun [] I
Compiler : forcevol : fun [I] I
Compiler : unforcevol : fun [] I
Compiler : wavgetzeros : fun [] S
Compiler : wavstop : fun [] I
Compiler : wavrunning : fun [] I
Compiler : _wavcb : fun [u0] I
Compiler : _wavstartnow : fun [] I
Compiler : wavstartlocalEx : fun [list S I] I
Compiler : wavstartlocal : fun [list S] I
Compiler : _wavcbhttp : fun [Httpreq S] I
Compiler : wavstarthttp : fun [S] Httpreq
Compiler : wavtime : fun [] I
Compiler : var EARSMODE_RESET : I
Compiler : var EARSMODE_WAIT : I
Compiler : var EARSMODE_DETECT : I
Compiler : var EARS_HOLES : I
Compiler : var EARS_TIMEOUT : I
Compiler : var EARS_OFFZERO : I
Compiler : numE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : dirE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : targetE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : posE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : lvalE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : ldelayE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : ltimeE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : countE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : brokenE : fun [Ear] w0
Compiler : Ear : struct (9)

Compiler : var ears : w0
Compiler : var earsmode : w0
Compiler : var earslastmove : w0
Compiler : var earslastmovetime : w0
Compiler : var earevent : w0
Compiler : eargetevent : fun [] w0
Compiler : earCheck : fun [I] I
Compiler : earMotorset : fun [Ear I] I
Compiler : earReset : fun [] I
Compiler : earInit : fun [] I
Compiler : earStartDetect : fun [] I
Compiler : earDetectRun : fun [] I
Compiler : earResetRun : fun [] I
Compiler : earWaitRun : fun [] I
Compiler : earRun : fun [] I
Compiler : earReady : fun [] I
Compiler : earDetecting : fun [] I
Compiler : earComplete : fun [] I
Compiler : earDetect : fun [] I
Compiler : earUndetect : fun [] I
Compiler : earStop : fun [] I
Compiler : earTarget : fun [I] I
Compiler : earGo : fun [I I I] I
Compiler : var infodata : w0
Compiler : var infosrc : w0
Compiler : infoInit : fun [] list [I tab [I tab I]]
Compiler : var col : tab I
Compiler : var infoType : w0
Compiler : var infoVal : w0
Compiler : var infoInd : w0
Compiler : var infoCount : w0
Compiler : var infoTime : w0
Compiler : var infoIndex : I
Compiler : var INFO_TIMEOUT : I
Compiler : infobytype : fun [I] tab [I tab I]
Compiler : nextindex : fun [tab I I] I
Compiler : infoNext : fun [] I
Compiler : dumpinfosrc : fun [] S
Compiler : infoRun : fun [] I
Compiler : infoUpdate : fun [S] I
Compiler : infoGet_ : fun [I I] I
Compiler : infoGet : fun [I] I
Compiler : setleds : fun [I] I
Compiler : var RT2501_S_BROKEN : I
Compiler : var RT2501_S_IDLE : I
Compiler : var RT2501_S_SCAN : I
Compiler : var RT2501_S_CONNECTING : I
Compiler : var RT2501_S_CONNECTED : I
Compiler : var RT2501_S_MASTER : I
Compiler : var IEEE80211_M_MANAGED : I
Compiler : var IEEE80211_M_MASTER : I
Compiler : var wifitry : w0
Compiler : _scanserialize : fun [list [S S S I I I I]] list S
Compiler : scanserialize : fun [list [S S S I I I I]] list S
Compiler : ssidlen : fun [S I] I
Compiler : scanunserialize : fun [S I I] list [S S S I I I I]
Compiler : envmake : fun [] S
Compiler : envrestore : fun [S] I
Compiler : scancmpssid : fun [[S u0 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5] [S u6 u7 u8 u9 u10 u11]] I
Compiler : wifiInit : fun [I] I
Compiler : var laststate : w0
Compiler : wifibyssid : fun [[S u0 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5] S] I
Compiler : var retrytime : w0
Compiler : _wifiwepkey : fun [S I I] list I
Compiler : wifiwepkey : fun [S] S
Compiler : wificrypttype : fun [I S] I
Compiler : wifiAuth : fun [] I
Compiler : wifiRun : fun [] I
Compiler : wifiReady : fun [] I
Compiler : wifiConnected : fun [] I
Compiler : var TYPE_taichi : I
Compiler : var tab_osc : tab I
Compiler : osc : fun [I] I
Compiler : var midi_connect : S
Compiler : configstartRun : fun [] Run
Compiler : configwaitRun : fun [w0] Run
Compiler : pingstartRun : fun [] Run
Compiler : pingwaitRun : fun [w0] Run
Compiler : msgloadstartRun : fun [] Run
Compiler : msgloadwaitRun : fun [w0] Run
Compiler : msginitwaitRun : fun [] Run
Compiler : msgchorRun : fun [w0] Run
Compiler : msgchorstreamRun : fun [w0] Run
Compiler : msgRun : fun [w0] Run
Compiler : idlewaitRun : fun [] Run
Compiler : waitRun : fun [w0] Run
Compiler : pingsendwaitRun : fun [w0] Run
Compiler : recordRun : fun [] Run
Compiler : asleepRun : fun [] Run
Compiler : recordStartRun : fun [] Run
Compiler : Run : constructor

Compiler : var run : w0
Compiler : var pingsrv : w0
Compiler : var broadcasturl : w0
Compiler : var senddata : I
Compiler : var currenttrame : I
Compiler : var pingdelay : I
Compiler : var recorddelay : I
Compiler : var sources : w0
Compiler : var extleft : w0
Compiler : var extright : w0
Compiler : var msgtoplay : w0
Compiler : var msgtimestart : w0
Compiler : var rsctoget : w0
Compiler : var rscloaded : w0
Compiler : var rsctmp : w0
Compiler : proto _pingcbhttp : fun [w0 w1] w2
Compiler : var BROADCAST_KEYWORD : S
Compiler : var SIGNCUTSIZE : I
Compiler : var MSG_IDLE : I
Compiler : var MSG_ASLEEP : I
Compiler : var STREAMING_PING : I
Compiler : var LED_TIMEOUT : I
Compiler : var CH_frame_duration : I
Compiler : var CH_set_led_color : I
Compiler : var CH_set_motor : I
Compiler : var CH_set_led_palette : I
Compiler : var CH_randmidi : I
Compiler : var CH_avance : I
Compiler : var CH_ifne : I
Compiler : var CH_attend : I
Compiler : var palette : w0
Compiler : var palettes : tab tab I
Compiler : var midi_acquired : S
Compiler : var midi_abort : S
Compiler : var midi_ears : S
Compiler : var midi_communion : S
Compiler : var midi_ack : S
Compiler : var taichi : S
Compiler : var chorstream : list S
Compiler : var midi_1noteA4 : S
Compiler : var midi_1noteB5 : S
Compiler : var midi_1noteBb4 : S
Compiler : var midi_1noteC5 : S
Compiler : var midi_1noteE4 : S
Compiler : var midi_1noteF4 : S
Compiler : var midi_1noteF5 : S
Compiler : var midi_1noteG5 : S
Compiler : var midi_2notesC6C4 : S
Compiler : var midi_2notesC6F5 : S
Compiler : var midi_2notesD4A5 : S
Compiler : var midi_2notesD4G4 : S
Compiler : var midi_2notesD5G4 : S
Compiler : var midi_2notesE5A5 : S
Compiler : var midi_2notesE5C6 : S
Compiler : var midi_2notesE5E4 : S
Compiler : var midi_3notesA4G5G5 : S
Compiler : var midi_3notesB5A5F5 : S
Compiler : var midi_3notesB5D5C6 : S
Compiler : var midi_3notesD4E4G4 : S
Compiler : var midi_3notesE5A5C6 : S
Compiler : var midi_3notesE5C6D5 : S
Compiler : var midi_3notesE5D5A5 : S
Compiler : var midi_3notesF5C6G5 : S
Compiler : var midi_startrecord : S
Compiler : var midi_endrecord : S
Compiler : var mp3_startrecord : S
Compiler : var midi_RFIDok : S
Compiler : var midilist : w0
Compiler : getmidilist : fun [] tab S
Compiler : controlsound : fun [S] I
Compiler : var buttonlast : w0
Compiler : var buttontime : w0
Compiler : var buttonevent : w0
Compiler : var buttonclicn : w0
Compiler : var BUTTON_CLIC : I
Compiler : var BUTTON_DCLIC : I
Compiler : var BUTTON_LCLIC : I
Compiler : var BUTTON_DLCLIC : I
Compiler : var T_DCLIC : I
Compiler : var T_LCLIC : I
Compiler : buttonloop : fun [] I
Compiler : buttongetevent : fun [] I
Compiler : proto loop : fun [] w0
Compiler : buttoncheckevent : fun [] I
Compiler : _webmac : fun [S I] list S
Compiler : webmac : fun [S] S
Compiler : configurl : fun [] S
Compiler : mktramenumber : fun [I] S
Compiler : pingurl : fun [] S
Compiler : recordurl : fun [I] S
Compiler : rfidurl : fun [S] S
Compiler : runinit : fun [] Run
Compiler : filterconfig_word : fun [S] [S S]
Compiler : filterconfig_line : fun [S I] list [S S]
Compiler : filterconfig : fun [S I] list [S S]
Compiler : dumpconfig : fun [list [S S]] list [S S]
Compiler : _configcbhttp : fun [u0 S] I
Compiler : runconfigstart : fun [] I
Compiler : runconfigwait : fun [Httpreq] I
Compiler : bintoi3 : fun [S I] I
Compiler : pingextract_ : fun [S I list [I S]] list [I S]
Compiler : pingextract : fun [S] list [I S]
Compiler : srcextract : fun [S I] list [I I]
Compiler : rscfilterurl : fun [S] S
Compiler : rscfrommsg : fun [list [S u0]] list [u0 I]
Compiler : msgInit : fun [list [S S]] Run
Compiler : _msgloadcbhttp : fun [Httpreq S I] I
Compiler : msgstart : fun [] I
Compiler : runmsgloadstart : fun [] I
Compiler : runmsgloadwait : fun [Httpreq] I
Compiler : runmsginitwait : fun [] I
Compiler : _controlsend : fun [I] I
Compiler : runpingsendwait : fun [Httpreq] I
Compiler : msgend : fun [] I
Compiler : var recordtimestart : w0
Compiler : var recordmode : w0
Compiler : var recorddata : w0
Compiler : var recordreq : w0
Compiler : var recordretry : w0
Compiler : var recordplayend : w0
Compiler : uploading : fun [] I
Compiler : runrecordstart : fun [] Run
Compiler : _controlrecord : fun [w0] I
Compiler : _cbrecordhttp : fun [u0 S] I
Compiler : uploadtimeout : fun [] Run
Compiler : runrecord : fun [] Run
Compiler : var chordata : w0
Compiler : var chorindex : w0
Compiler : var chortimescale : w0
Compiler : var chornexttime : w0
Compiler : var chorrandom : w0
Compiler : var chortaichimotor : w0
Compiler : msgstartchor : fun [list S w0] I
Compiler : taichistart : fun [] I
Compiler : msgendchor : fun [I] I
Compiler : setpalette : fun [I] I
Compiler : setcolor : fun [I I] I
Compiler : runmsgchor : fun [I] u0
Compiler : _pingcbstreaming : fun [u0 S I] I
Compiler : var chorst_data : w0
Compiler : var chorst_index : w0
Compiler : var chorst_tempo : w0
Compiler : var chorst_repeat : w0
Compiler : var chorst_nexttime : w0
Compiler : dochorstream : fun [] I
Compiler : runmsgchorstreaming : fun [[I u0 I]] I
Compiler : runmsg : fun [I] I
Compiler : runasleep : fun [] I
Compiler : var nexttaichi : w0
Compiler : dotaichinow : fun [] I
Compiler : _pingcbhttp : fun [Httpreq S] I
Compiler : runpingstart : fun [] I
Compiler : runpingwait : fun [Httpreq] I
Compiler : runwait : fun [I] I
Compiler : runidlewait : fun [] I
Compiler : bottomled : fun [] I
Compiler : var lastrfid : w0
Compiler : _cbrfidhttp : fun [u0 S] I
Compiler : dumprfid : fun [list S] list S
Compiler : controlrfid : fun [] I
Compiler : controlplay : fun [] I
Compiler : controlwait : fun [] I
Compiler : var CONTROL_WAIT : I
Compiler : var CONTROL_PLAY : I
Compiler : loop : fun [] I
Compiler : main : fun [] I
HARDWARE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
DNSLOCAL is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
macbroadcast is declared but never used
ipbroadcast is declared but never used
netip_empty is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
netip_master is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
netmask_master is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
netgateway_master is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
IEEE80211_CRYPT_NONE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
IEEE80211_CRYPT_WEP64 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
IEEE80211_CRYPT_WEP128 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
IEEE80211_CRYPT_WPA is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
IEEE80211_CRYPT_WPA_UNSUPPORTED is declared but never used
IEEE80211_AUTH_OPEN is declared but never used
IEEE80211_AUTH_SHARED is declared but never used
FIRMWARE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_SERVERURL is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_NETDHCP is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_NETIP is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_NETMASK is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_NETGATEWAY is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_NETDNS is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_WIFISSID is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_WIFIAUTH is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_WIFICRYPT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_WIFIKEY0 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_PROXYENABLE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_PROXYIP is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_PROXYPORT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_LOGIN is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_PWD is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_WIFIPMK is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONF_MAGIC is declared but never used
CONF_LENGTH is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
TCPWRITE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
TCPREAD is declared but never used
TCPCLOSE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
TCPSTART is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
HTTP_NORMAL is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
HTTP_STREAM is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
HTTP_DIRECT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
HTTP_SOLVE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
HTTP_REACH is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
HTTP_CONNECTED is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
http_prefurl is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
http_sep is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
buff is declared but never used
buffx is declared but never used
buffy is declared but never used
WAV_IDLE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
WAV_RUN is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
WAV_EOF is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
WAV_BUFFER_STARTSIZE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
WAV_BUFFER_MAXSIZE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
WAV_END_TIMEOUT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
WAV_NET_TIMEOUT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
EARSMODE_RESET is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
EARSMODE_WAIT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
EARSMODE_WAITANDDETECT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
EARSMODE_DETECT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
EARS_HOLES is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
EARS_TIMEOUT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
EARS_OFFZERO is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
col is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
INFO_TIMEOUT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
RT2501_S_BROKEN is declared but never used
RT2501_S_IDLE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
RT2501_S_SCAN is declared but never used
RT2501_S_CONNECTING is declared but never used
RT2501_S_CONNECTED is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
RT2501_S_MASTER is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
IEEE80211_M_MANAGED is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
IEEE80211_M_MASTER is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
TYPE_taichi is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
tab_osc is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_connect is declared but never used
recorddelay is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
sources is declared but never used
BROADCAST_KEYWORD is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
SIGNCUTSIZE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
MSG_IDLE is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
MSG_ASLEEP is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
STREAMING_MOTORSTOP is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
STREAMING_PING is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
LED_TIMEOUT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CH_frame_duration is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CH_set_led_color is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CH_set_motor is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CH_set_led_palette is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CH_randmidi is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CH_avance is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CH_ifne is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CH_attend is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
palettes is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_acquired is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_abort is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_ears is declared but never used
midi_communion is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_ack is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
taichi is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
chorstream is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_1noteA4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_1noteB5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_1noteBb4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_1noteC5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_1noteE4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_1noteF4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_1noteF5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_1noteG5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_2notesC6C4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_2notesC6F5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_2notesD4A5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_2notesD4G4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_2notesD5G4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_2notesE5A5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_2notesE5C6 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_2notesE5E4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_3notesA4G5G5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_3notesB5A5F5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_3notesB5D5C6 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_3notesD4E4G4 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_3notesE5A5C6 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_3notesE5C6D5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_3notesE5D5A5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_3notesF5C6G5 is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_startrecord is declared but never used
midi_endrecord is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
mp3_startrecord is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
midi_RFIDok is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
BUTTON_CLIC is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
BUTTON_DCLIC is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
BUTTON_LCLIC is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
BUTTON_DLCLIC is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
T_DCLIC is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
T_LCLIC is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONTROL_WAIT is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
CONTROL_PLAY is only set once, at declaration. It should be a const.
[init] SOURCE := nominal.mtl
[init] MAC := 0013d384958b
0@0:main nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 81 bytes
1@84:buttoncheckevent nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 26 bytes
2@113:strstr nargs=3 nlocals=0 / 11 bytes
3@127:itoanil nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 18 bytes
4@148:listlen nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 22 bytes
5@173:listrem nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 40 bytes
6@216:slistlen nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 24 bytes
7@243:listnth nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 36 bytes
8@282:listtostr nargs=1 nlocals=3 / 60 bytes
9@345:atoibin2 nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 5 bytes
10@353:countpattern nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 40 bytes
11@396:strreplace2 nargs=6 nlocals=2 / 114 bytes
12@513:strreplace nargs=3 nlocals=2 / 58 bytes
13@574:rev nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 26 bytes
14@603:remfromlist nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 40 bytes
15@646:insert nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 80 bytes
16@729:sort nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 28 bytes
17@760:select nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 55 bytes
18@818:conc nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 26 bytes
19@847:_useparamip nargs=4 nlocals=1 / 82 bytes
20@932:useparamip nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 20 bytes
21@955:webip nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 47 bytes
22@1005:_webmac nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 61 bytes
23@1069:webmac nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 9 bytes
24@1081:setleds nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 30 bytes
25@1114:MACecho nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 55 bytes
26@1172:SEQecho nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 55 bytes
27@1230:IPecho nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 54 bytes
28@1287:itoh4 nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 32 bytes
29@1322:dump nargs=1 nlocals=3 / 172 bytes
30@1497:dumpscan nargs=1 nlocals=8 / 141 bytes
31@1641:confSave nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 22 bytes
32@1666:confInit nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 25 bytes
33@1694:confGet nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
34@1705:confGetbin nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
35@1716:confGetstr nargs=2 nlocals=1 / 37 bytes
36@1756:confSet nargs=3 nlocals=0 / 12 bytes
37@1771:confSetbin nargs=3 nlocals=0 / 12 bytes
38@1786:confSetstr nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 34 bytes
39@1823:webport nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 15 bytes
40@1841:confGetWifissid nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
41@1852:confGetWificrypt nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 11 bytes
42@1866:confGetWifikey0 nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
43@1877:confGetWifiauth nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 11 bytes
44@1891:confGetWifipmk nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
45@1902:confGetDhcp nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 11 bytes
46@1916:confGetNetip nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
47@1927:confGetNetmask nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
48@1938:confGetNetgateway nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
49@1949:confGetNetdns nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
50@1960:confGetServerUrl nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
51@1971:confGetLogin nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
52@1982:confGetPwd nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
53@1993:confGetProxy nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 11 bytes
54@2007:confGetProxyip nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
55@2018:confGetProxyport nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 11 bytes
56@2032:udpsend nargs=6 nlocals=0 / 13 bytes
57@2048:regudp nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 15 bytes
58@2066:resetudp nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 5 bytes
59@2074:netudp nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 17 bytes
60@2094:writetcp nargs=3 nlocals=0 / 9 bytes
61@2106:remtcp nargs=2 nlocals=1 / 48 bytes
62@2157:updatetcp nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 58 bytes
63@2218:closetcp nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 15 bytes
64@2236:tcpcb nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 16 bytes
65@2255:listentcp nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 15 bytes
66@2273:opentcp nargs=5 nlocals=1 / 35 bytes
67@2311:enabletcp nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 6 bytes
68@2320:nettcp nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 78 bytes
69@2401:startdhcp nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 3 bytes
70@2407:startdhcpserver nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 3 bytes
71@2413:nettime nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 3 bytes
72@2419:netstart nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 40 bytes
73@2462:parsequ nargs=2 nlocals=1 / 18 bytes
74@2483:parsequs nargs=3 nlocals=0 / 31 bytes
75@2517:skipname nargs=2 nlocals=1 / 46 bytes
76@2566:parseans nargs=3 nlocals=2 / 122 bytes
77@2691:parsemsg nargs=1 nlocals=5 / 61 bytes
78@2755:filterdns nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 54 bytes
79@2812:question nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 23 bytes
80@2838:dnsreq nargs=2 nlocals=2 / 107 bytes
81@2948:selectbyid nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
82@2959:cbnetdns nargs=3 nlocals=3 / 87 bytes
83@3049:filterdnsdead nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 46 bytes
84@3098:dnstime nargs=0 nlocals=2 / 75 bytes
85@3176:startdnsclient nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 21 bytes
86@3200:tcpread nargs=3 nlocals=2 / 240 bytes
87@3443:tcpwrite nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 107 bytes
88@3553:isip nargs=2 nlocals=1 / 66 bytes
89@3622:cuturl nargs=1 nlocals=6 / 152 bytes
90@3777:tcpevent nargs=4 nlocals=0 / 50 bytes
91@3830:httpsendreq nargs=2 nlocals=2 / 79 bytes
92@3912:httprequest nargs=5 nlocals=8 / 224 bytes
93@4139:httpabort nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
94@4150:httpenable nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 10 bytes
95@4163:httpstate nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 5 bytes
96@4171:httpinactive nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 7 bytes
97@4181:httpgetheader nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 35 bytes
98@4219:httpgetcontent nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 35 bytes
99@4257:sqrt_ nargs=3 nlocals=1 / 56 bytes
100@4316:sqrt nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 13 bytes
101@4332:cbrec nargs=1 nlocals=3 / 74 bytes
102@4409:itobin4 nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 49 bytes
103@4461:liststrlen nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 26 bytes
104@4490:mkriff nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 70 bytes
105@4563:recstart nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 28 bytes
106@4594:recstop nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
107@4605:recriff nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 19 bytes
108@4627:volfrombutton nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 19 bytes
109@4649:updatevol nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 65 bytes
110@4717:forcevol nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 21 bytes
111@4741:unforcevol nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 14 bytes
112@4758:wavgetzeros nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 59 bytes
113@4820:wavstop nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 46 bytes
114@4869:wavrunning nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 73 bytes
115@4945:_wavcb nargs=1 nlocals=2 / 195 bytes
116@5143:_wavstartnow nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 21 bytes
117@5167:wavstartlocalEx nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 45 bytes
118@5215:wavstartlocal nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
119@5226:_wavcbhttp nargs=2 nlocals=1 / 172 bytes
120@5401:wavstarthttp nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 58 bytes
121@5462:wavtime nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 72 bytes
122@5537:eargetevent nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 12 bytes
123@5552:earCheck nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 41 bytes
124@5596:earMotorset nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 16 bytes
125@5615:earReset nargs=0 nlocals=2 / 87 bytes
126@5705:earInit nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 48 bytes
127@5756:earStartDetect nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 31 bytes
128@5790:earDetectRun nargs=0 nlocals=5 / 422 bytes
129@6215:earResetRun nargs=0 nlocals=5 / 337 bytes
130@6555:earWaitRun nargs=0 nlocals=4 / 182 bytes
131@6740:earRun nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 35 bytes
132@6778:earReady nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 6 bytes
133@6787:earDetecting nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 6 bytes
134@6796:earComplete nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 30 bytes
135@6829:earDetect nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 18 bytes
136@6850:earUndetect nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 18 bytes
137@6871:earStop nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 54 bytes
138@6928:earTarget nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
139@6939:earGo nargs=3 nlocals=2 / 148 bytes
140@7090:infoInit nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 1236 bytes
141@8329:infobytype nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 6 bytes
142@8338:nextindex nargs=2 nlocals=1 / 41 bytes
143@8382:infoNext nargs=0 nlocals=2 / 90 bytes
144@8475:dumpinfosrc nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 39 bytes
145@8517:infoRun nargs=0 nlocals=3 / 316 bytes
146@8836:infoUpdate nargs=1 nlocals=2 / 43 bytes
147@8882:infoGet_ nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 47 bytes
148@8932:infoGet nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 8 bytes
149@8943:_scanserialize nargs=1 nlocals=7 / 101 bytes
150@9047:scanserialize nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 16 bytes
151@9066:ssidlen nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 39 bytes
152@9108:scanunserialize nargs=3 nlocals=2 / 119 bytes
153@9230:envmake nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 23 bytes
154@9256:envrestore nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 81 bytes
155@9340:scancmpssid nargs=2 nlocals=2 / 22 bytes
156@9365:wifiInit nargs=1 nlocals=1 / 160 bytes
157@9528:wifibyssid nargs=2 nlocals=1 / 24 bytes
158@9555:_wifiwepkey nargs=3 nlocals=0 / 35 bytes
159@9593:wifiwepkey nargs=1 nlocals=3 / 86 bytes
160@9682:wificrypttype nargs=2 nlocals=0 / 43 bytes
161@9728:wifiAuth nargs=0 nlocals=3 / 98 bytes
162@9829:wifiRun nargs=0 nlocals=6 / 519 bytes
163@10351:wifiReady nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 19 bytes
164@10373:wifiConnected nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 19 bytes
165@10395:osc nargs=1 nlocals=2 / 86 bytes
166@10484:_pingcbhttp nargs=2 nlocals=7 / 374 bytes
167@10861:getmidilist nargs=0 nlocals=0 / 175 bytes
168@11039:controlsound nargs=1 nlocals=0 / 12 bytes
169@11054:buttonloop nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 276 bytes
170@11333:buttongetevent nargs=0 nlocals=1 / 19 bytes
171@11355:loop nargs=0 nloc

Compiler : done !

et... c'est tout... je sniffe mon réseau, rien.... une idée ?
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : gironde
Nbr de messages : 49
Carottes : 5187

bytecode nominal et simulateur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: bytecode nominal et simulateur   bytecode nominal et simulateur Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Fév 2018 - 19:33

Je me réponds, après contact avec Tobias :, il faut simplement faire des appuis sur Entrée...

N'hésitez pas à aller consulter ses dépôts, il est actif sur le lapin, souhaite développer une approche "bibliothèque", et réponds gentiment et rapidement aux messages,
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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : Région Toulousaine
Nabaztag : Alfred (v2)
Nbr de messages : 94
Carottes : 4549

bytecode nominal et simulateur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: bytecode nominal et simulateur   bytecode nominal et simulateur Icon_minitimeDim 4 Mar 2018 - 11:06

Un rapide message pour dire que je viens de cloner ce projet (enfin, celui de rngtng) afin de proposer l'ajout d'un README et la correction de quelques warning de compilation. J'espère que ces propositions seront acceptées par RedoX et/ou rngtng.
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Contenu sponsorisé

bytecode nominal et simulateur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: bytecode nominal et simulateur   bytecode nominal et simulateur Icon_minitime

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bytecode nominal et simulateur
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