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 Nabaztag:Tag and RPi - Sudo project

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Localisation : Corbeil-Essonne
Nabaztag : NabazIfrit (Tag/Tag); Blacky (Tag/Tag); Sunny (Karotz)
Nbr de messages : 37
Carottes : 3004

Nabaztag:Tag and RPi - Sudo project Empty
MessageSujet: Nabaztag:Tag and RPi - Sudo project   Nabaztag:Tag and RPi - Sudo project Icon_minitimeMar 7 Mai 2019 - 10:50

Hi everybody nabzciao

This morning I've discovered an article on, wich title's picture should gain your attention of rabbit owner:
Sudo - A Private by Design, Gender Neutral, Eco-friendly Bot

Yes, I know, It is another Raspberry-Pi replacement in our sweet Nabaztag. But, even if (like me) you don't like to salvage a good looking rabbit for that, you should admit that it's pretty well documented and done in a clean way.

So if you've already planned to try the Rpi upgrade: here is some good reading.
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