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 I am amazed by the skills of some people here

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5 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 1
Carottes : 6455

I am amazed by the skills of some people here Empty
MessageSujet: I am amazed by the skills of some people here   I am amazed by the skills of some people here Icon_minitimeVen 24 Nov 2006 - 18:34

Hi, Guys...!!!

I am new on your site and I am amazed by the skills of some people here...
not too sure if this is the right place to be posting this msg

Let me introduce myself first :

I am Yann, a webmaster and dive instructor, 27 years old.

i have many questions about music, web , PC and education...

Where i can post my messages...

So, thanks a lot!
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il est cap' !!!

Localisation : Plat Pays
Nabaztag : Tabatha (V1) & Traci (V2)
Nbr de messages : 3718
Carottes : 6845

I am amazed by the skills of some people here Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I am amazed by the skills of some people here   I am amazed by the skills of some people here Icon_minitimeVen 24 Nov 2006 - 20:49

Just do it yellownabzhappy
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Gold Nabz
Gold Nabz

Age : 46
Localisation : fontenay sous bois
Nabaztag : petitecane
Nbr de messages : 940
Carottes : 6579

I am amazed by the skills of some people here Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I am amazed by the skills of some people here   I am amazed by the skills of some people here Icon_minitimeVen 24 Nov 2006 - 21:04

you're welcome here yellownabzsmile
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Diamond Nabz
Diamond Nabz

Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles
Nabaztag : RyoOhki
Nbr de messages : 2324
Carottes : 6723

I am amazed by the skills of some people here Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I am amazed by the skills of some people here   I am amazed by the skills of some people here Icon_minitimeVen 24 Nov 2006 - 23:02

Welcome yellownabzhappy
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Nabazteur Courtois
Nabazteur Courtois

Localisation : Btx
Nabaztag : NaBoByZ
Nbr de messages : 4349
Carottes : 6519

I am amazed by the skills of some people here Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I am amazed by the skills of some people here   I am amazed by the skills of some people here Icon_minitimeSam 25 Nov 2006 - 0:27

Ask your questions here, we'll try to answer yellownabzsmile Quickly ... ou pas

Welcome !!
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Contenu sponsorisé

I am amazed by the skills of some people here Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I am amazed by the skills of some people here   I am amazed by the skills of some people here Icon_minitime

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I am amazed by the skills of some people here
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