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 I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?!

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3 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Age : 38
Localisation : Wales UK
Nabaztag : Tipzy
Nbr de messages : 27
Carottes : 6410

I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Empty
MessageSujet: I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?!   I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Icon_minitimeMer 10 Jan 2007 - 13:49

While daydreaming at work today, quickly flicking between Outlook and Nabaztalk on the sly when noone was looking, I wondered to myself if Violet might ever include webcams/pinhole camera's into Nabaztag's eyes, I mean he can 'smell' through his belly button (may have been a better choice to drill that hole where his nose is, but nevermind).

So I was daydreaming then into carefully drilling holes where the rabbits eyes are and positioning a camera behind the casing (camera dependant on space) so that he can 'see'. By 'See' I mean perhaps 2 USB webcams equipped with motion detecting software (freeware available) that pick up movement in a room. Here are just a few of the potential uses I can think of :

:arrow: Burglar Alarm - 'Shouts' at whoever is in the room, telling them to leave.

:arrow: Welcome Home - Greets whoever enters the room.

:arrow: Individual Messages - Facial recognition software that could detect an individual and playback messages that are only for that person.

Im sure others will think of many more!

This concept could be integrated into a program that sends messages to the API, relaying them to the rabbit. Let me know what you guys think, or am I going bunny insane!!! mad
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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : London,UK
Nbr de messages : 82
Carottes : 6558

I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?!   I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Icon_minitimeMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:36

Hi Akyra,

Your not going insane, I really like your suggestion ,it would be interesting to see this implemented on future rabbits there could be lots of new ways to interact with the bunny if this came about.
I like the idea too of facial recognition but I think the software/hardware would be very expensive none the less you never know how Violet may progress with upcoming bunnies.
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Age : 40
Localisation : PARIS mais mon coeur est en guyane
Nabaztag : gwayana (V2)
Nbr de messages : 142
Carottes : 6415

I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?!   I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Icon_minitimeMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:59

I agree a webcam would be great for the next version.
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Age : 40
Localisation : PARIS mais mon coeur est en guyane
Nabaztag : gwayana (V2)
Nbr de messages : 142
Carottes : 6415

I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?!   I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Icon_minitimeMer 10 Jan 2007 - 21:00

I agree a webcam would be great for the next version.
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MessageSujet: Re: I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?!   I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?! Icon_minitime

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I Can See It In..... Rabbits Eyes?!
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