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 There is a Nabaztag song! - We are zee Nabz

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2 participants
Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : Germany
Nabaztag : nafcom
Nbr de messages : 51
Carottes : 6290

There is a Nabaztag song! - We are zee Nabz Empty
MessageSujet: There is a Nabaztag song! - We are zee Nabz   There is a Nabaztag song! - We are zee Nabz Icon_minitimeDim 20 Mai 2007 - 10:51

There is indeed a Nabaztag song the community made for us! yellownabzsmile

It can be found, plus covers and lyrics at

We are zee Nabz
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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 48
Localisation : Gard
Nabaztag : coxynell (V2)
Nbr de messages : 1273
Carottes : 6410

There is a Nabaztag song! - We are zee Nabz Empty
MessageSujet: Re: There is a Nabaztag song! - We are zee Nabz   There is a Nabaztag song! - We are zee Nabz Icon_minitimeDim 20 Mai 2007 - 17:17

With real french accent yellownabzhappy
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There is a Nabaztag song! - We are zee Nabz
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