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 Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag

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5 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : United States
Nbr de messages : 2
Carottes : 6107

Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Empty
MessageSujet: Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag   Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov 2007 - 4:22

I'm Planing on getting a rabbit for Christmas, so like a good geek I'm doing my research. For me it looks like the only benefit of a version 2 besides the non available RFID feature would be the streaming podcasts/radio and I really like that, so I'm rather torn.

Convince me folks, what are the pros & cons of a Version 1 Smart Rabbit & Version 2?

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Age : 53
Localisation : Noisy le Grand
Nabaztag : Petitbrou, Landry (V1), Scrubs (V2)
Nbr de messages : 8128
Carottes : 7042

Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag   Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov 2007 - 8:58

I think you'd better have a V2 because you will have warranty.
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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 39
Localisation : Toulouse
Nabaztag : Busagi (V2 Beta)
Nbr de messages : 1103
Carottes : 6163

Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag   Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov 2007 - 9:22

For the RFID : the first RFID book has come out (but it's in French)... so we hope RFID stamps will be soon available.

With a V2, you have also voice recognition: you can ask your rabbit a few things, like the radio you want to ear, or the meteo, air quality, traffic...

I suggest you get the V2 rabbit !
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Silver Nabz
Silver Nabz

Localisation : Haute-Garonne
Nabaztag : oaz (v2)
Nbr de messages : 352
Carottes : 6469

Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag   Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov 2007 - 9:39

Want a killer argument for V2?

OpenNab software only works with V2

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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Localisation : Paname
Nabaztag : LeLapinduZepf (v1) - LeLapinpinduZepf (v2) - Latoopine (v2 en stage)
Nbr de messages : 1489
Carottes : 6720

Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag   Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov 2007 - 10:48

If you are a real geek, just choose a V2... OpenNab, RFID, voice recognition rock !
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : United States
Nbr de messages : 2
Carottes : 6107

Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag   Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov 2007 - 22:25

oaz a écrit:
Want a killer argument for V2?

OpenNab software only works with V2


Yeah. thats a damn good argument.
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Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag   Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag Icon_minitime

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Pro's & Con's of a Nabaztag vs. Nabaztag+tag
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