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 Router IP address conflict

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : SG
Nbr de messages : 17
Carottes : 5833

Router IP address conflict Empty
MessageSujet: Router IP address conflict   Router IP address conflict Icon_minitimeDim 12 Oct 2008 - 4:19

I have installed a new DLINK DIR-300 router to talk to the rabbit. However, it seems that the rabbit and the router shares the same ip address, so I changed the router's ip address to Even with this change, when I switch on the router, I cannot access the rabbit's configuration page.
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Silver Nabz
Silver Nabz

Age : 39
Localisation : InTheMatrix
Nabaztag : DrBailey (V2), DrGrey (V1)
Nbr de messages : 482
Carottes : 6561

Router IP address conflict Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Router IP address conflict   Router IP address conflict Icon_minitimeMer 15 Oct 2008 - 20:45


Your rabbit's configuration page is only available when he's on all blue mode.
In this mode, your rabbit emits a wireless network on which you can connect, and then get his configuration page to set him up.

The address of the configuration page is indeed, but this will not lead to conflicts with your router, as this page is only available when your rabbit is in blue mode.

In normal mode (when your rabbit connects to your router, and then to the internet), he uses the DHCP of your router to get a local IP address, no conflict is possible.

Did you configure your rabbit to connect on your router, and then on the internet ?
In order to do so, you need a computer equipped with a wireless connection.

Feel free to ask if you don't know how to do, we will help you configuring your rabbit.

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : SG
Nbr de messages : 17
Carottes : 5833

Router IP address conflict Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Router IP address conflict   Router IP address conflict Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Oct 2008 - 17:40

I am unable to configure my rabbit with blue LEDs when I switch on my router but as soon as I switch my router off, I can access the configuration page of the rabbit. I have a landline internet access that requires a login and password which I have configured into my router. What parameters do I need to set for the rabbit? I have a DLINK DIR-300 router.
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Silver Nabz
Silver Nabz

Age : 39
Localisation : InTheMatrix
Nabaztag : DrBailey (V2), DrGrey (V1)
Nbr de messages : 482
Carottes : 6561

Router IP address conflict Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Router IP address conflict   Router IP address conflict Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Oct 2008 - 18:12


In order to configure your rabbit, you have to set him in all blue mode (by plugging the chord found at the bottom while pressing on the rabbit's head).

Then use the wireless connection of your computer to check for new wifi networks, and connect your computer to the wifi network emitted by your rabbti: "NabaztagXX" (XX are the two last characters of your rabbit's MAC address).

Once connected, wait approximatively 10 seconds, open your web browser and go to
You should see "You are now connected to your nabaztag".

Once clicked on 'Click here to Start', you will be able to select the wireless network you want the rabbit to connect to (in the field SSID), select the encryption method, and enter your wifi network's encrypted key.

Are ou able to get access to this page with your computer ?
If yes, feel free to post on the forum the screen captures of your rabbit's configuration page. This will help us finding an optimum configuration for your rabbit, and help you to set it.

You wrote that you need a login and password to get access to the internet.
Rabbits are not able to communicate these informations. They can give the encrypted key (WEP or WPA), but they are not able to connect with a login and a password.

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Router IP address conflict Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Router IP address conflict   Router IP address conflict Icon_minitime

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Router IP address conflict
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