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 Nabaztag and Fonera

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Spain
Nbr de messages : 2
Carottes : 5802

Nabaztag and Fonera Empty
MessageSujet: Nabaztag and Fonera   Nabaztag and Fonera Icon_minitimeLun 27 Oct 2008 - 1:18

Hello, I found a topic with a tutorial about how to connect a nabaztag with a fonera, but the link is broken. Is it possible to recover it and show it again??

This is the link:

Maybe you can help me:

1 - My problem is that I can´t connect my nabaztag with my fonera.
2 - I´ve read in many places that Nabaztag doesn´t connects with fonera by WPA. But it has this possibility on its setup. I´ve tried to connect through WPA, and it never connects.
2 - I´ve tried to change the WPA of my private wifi to WEP, changing also the setup of the nabaztag and the new password, but It doesn´t work, I think I don´t know all the steps to do it.
When I try to change the password on my fon setup by web, it only lets me the possibility of changing the WPA password. I think it would never work...!!!
Also I´ve read that WEP has very low security for me, and I´m afraid of that.

3- I´ve tried to connect the nabaztag to my public wifi, but it only shows the two first circles in green, and the third and the nose in orange.
4- I´ve read lots of things about this, but I can´t fix the problem. The last I read was that I could change something called "MAC", but it´s very hard for me...
(see this link:
5- The only place on internet where I found some info was this french forum, but I can´t understand french, only english and spanish.

Please, could you explain me steb-by-step how to connect the nabaztag with the fonera? I would be very thankful with you.
I promise to translate everything to spanish and post it on the nabaztag and fon spanish forums, linking with you and giving thanks for your useful help for the nabaztag friends.

thank you, and greetings from Spain

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Nabazteur Voyageur
Nabazteur Voyageur

Age : 37
Localisation : Sassenage
Nabaztag : PhormiBBrrysse et Pharramyneu (V2)
Nbr de messages : 14389
Carottes : 13259

Nabaztag and Fonera Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabaztag and Fonera   Nabaztag and Fonera Icon_minitimeLun 27 Oct 2008 - 8:55


nabaztag and fonera --> wep only on private network

please post print screen of
- fonera
- wifi of the fonera
- nabaztag's settings
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Spain
Nbr de messages : 2
Carottes : 5802

Nabaztag and Fonera Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabaztag and Fonera   Nabaztag and Fonera Icon_minitimeLun 27 Oct 2008 - 12:20

ok, here I go with the screenshots:

First, the web settings of my fonera. Here I can´t specify WEP

Nabaztag and Fonera 1fononlinesettingspe2

second, the settings of my private network (RubNetwork) as I have now, and I don´t know who I must change to change by WEP

Nabaztag and Fonera 91141826pc7

Nabaztag and Fonera 87155914xp5

Nabaztag and Fonera 87434754xo8

Nabaztag and Fonera 4bbf1

third, the settings of my fonera

Router status:
Nabaztag and Fonera F1jl9

Public settings:
Nabaztag and Fonera F2sz4

Private settings:
Nabaztag and Fonera F3xo1

Internet connection settings:
Nabaztag and Fonera F4ar6

Advanced Wireless settings:
Nabaztag and Fonera F6te8

Advanced Network settings:
Nabaztag and Fonera F5cc5

And finally, my nabaztag settings

Nabaztag and Fonera N1at7

Nabaztag and Fonera N2sf1

Nabaztag and Fonera N3sc7

Nabaztag and Fonera N4br0

Thank you very much again
Tell me if you need something else information
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MessageSujet: Re: Nabaztag and Fonera   Nabaztag and Fonera Icon_minitime

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