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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 11
Carottes : 6722

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MessageSujet: Connected?   Connected? Icon_minitimeLun 27 Mar 2006 - 12:50

Hello all... I'm just working on something (all will be revealed soon) and was wondering if there was anyway via the API I could check to see if the Nabaztag was connected? It appears that if commands are sent via the API (ie to get/set the position of the ears) that I get a response even if the Nabaztag is off or lost its connection.

I was also after sound samples of some of the events, in particular the “boot up tune” and the tune made when the ears change position, any others would be great as well. I have recorded them but the quality isn’t great…

Is there also some registry of projects that are being worked on?

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 22
Carottes : 6712

Connected? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Connected?   Connected? Icon_minitimeLun 27 Mar 2006 - 19:47

i dont think theres a registry or anything similar, but set up a small site for your priject and i'll link it from my my blog
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