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 Is it possible to somebody to tell me how to suppress an account ?

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Is it possible to somebody to tell me how to suppress an account ? Empty
MessageSujet: Is it possible to somebody to tell me how to suppress an account ?   Is it possible to somebody to tell me how to suppress an account ? Icon_minitimeLun 11 Jan 2010 - 21:27

As didn't receive any useful answer on the french forum, I try on the english one !...
Because of difficulties to connect my nabaztag, I have created 2 accounts with 2 email adress.
Now one of this acccount is operational and I would want to supress the other..
Could somebody help me
I already wrote a few times to the "support" but it seems that it's only a "name" because I am always waiting for one answer..
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Is it possible to somebody to tell me how to suppress an account ?
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