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 Tutorial: Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Maryland, USA
Nabaztag : Bippy (v2)
Nbr de messages : 31
Carottes : 6589

Tutorial:  Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear Empty
MessageSujet: Tutorial: Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear   Tutorial:  Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear Icon_minitimeVen 17 Juin 2011 - 1:14

The only way I could get the Nabazatag;tag to work was to put them on a open wireless network. If you know how put your wireless router in this state that is what finally worked to get our two Wifi Nabaztag;tag Rabbits up and operational.

I have a Netgear 600N wireless router and it allows you to set up a guest network which is what I ultimately did. This is accomplished by doing the following. Login into your router (again mine is a Netgear 600N) as admin go to the following section. “X” Marks the selection. nabzblack


Basic Settings

Wireless Settings

X Guest Network b/g/n

Guest Network Settings b/g/n

Wireless Settings - Profile 1

“X Enable Guest Network”

“X Enable SSID Broadcast”

Allow guest to access My Local Network

Enable Wireless Isolation

Guest Wireless Network Name (SSID) :(Whaever you are going to call you guest Network)

Security Options - Profile 1

“X None”





WPA/WPA2 Enterprise

This is to allow visitors to use internet access at your home if you don't want to let them know your wireless security key.

Wireless Settings of Profile

Enable Guest Network

If this check box is checked, then this guest network is enabled. You and your visitors can connect to your network via the SSID of this profile.

Enable SSID Broadcast

If Enabled, the Wireless Access Point will broadcast its name (SSID) to all Wireless Stations. Stations which have no SSID (or a null value) can then adopt the correct SSID for connections to this Access Point.

Allow Guest to access MY Local Network

If Unchecked, any user connects to this SSID can only access internet directly and other clients in the same SSID network. All clients in this SSID are not allowed to access router web GUI, clients of other SSIDs, Ethernet network and any other service of this Wireless Router.

If Checked, any user who connects to this SSID can access not only internet but also local networks of this wireless router like users in primary SSID.

Guest Wireless Network Name (SSID)

Enter a value of up to 32 alphanumeric characters. The same Name (SSID) must be assigned to all wireless devices in your network. The default SSID is NETGEAR_GuestN, N is profile number, but NETGEAR strongly recommends that you change your network's Name (SSID) to a different value. This value is also case-sensitive. For example, NETgear is not the same as NETGEAR.

Security Options

None - no data encryption

WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy, use WEP 64- or 128-bit data encryption

Note: Wi-Fi Protected Setup function is disabled when the security setting is WEP with Shared-Key authentication

WPA-PSK [TKIP] - Wi-Fi Protected Access with Pre-Shared Key, use WPA-PSK standard encryption with TKIP encryption type

WPA2-PSK [AES] - Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2 with Pre-Shared Key, use WPA2-PSK standard encryption with the AES encryption type

WPA-PSK [TKIP] + WPA2-PSK [AES] - Allow clients using either WPA-PSK [TKIP] or WPA2-PSK [AES]

WPA/WPA2 Enterprise - It supports 802.1x authentication, not for home use, you must have a RADIUS server in your network.

Once this these boxes have been checked. Hit Apply… and setup your rabbit to join the SSID you set up. After your rabbit has been successfully added then go back and uncheck Enable SSIS Broadcast. So your router should look like this… The reason I recommend this is so that your guest network while not completely protected with encryption at least you can keep the average 12 year old or neighborhood wifi bandits from see or connecting to your router unless they know the SSID name you set up. If that makes sense. After you set up your router as shown below hit apply and log out of your router and is should work fine.


Basic Settings

Wireless Settings

X Guest Network b/g/n

Guest Network Settings b/g/n

Wireless Settings - Profile 1

“X Enable Guest Network”

Enable SSID Broadcast

Allow guest to access My Local Network

Enable Wireless Isolation

Guest Wireless Network Name (SSID) :(Whaever you are going to call you guest Network)

Security Options - Profile 1

“X None”





WPA/WPA2 Enterprise

Hope this helps!nabzhelp
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Age : 49
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Kanji, Kenji (v2) et Kanjiz (V3)
Nbr de messages : 291
Carottes : 5118

Tutorial:  Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tutorial: Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear   Tutorial:  Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear Icon_minitimeVen 17 Juin 2011 - 6:13

Thank's for this tutorial.

I have a netgear too (DG834PN) and my nabaztag:tag works with WPA-PSK [TKIP] option (all other settings are the same).
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Maryland, USA
Nabaztag : Bippy (v2)
Nbr de messages : 31
Carottes : 6589

Tutorial:  Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tutorial: Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear   Tutorial:  Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear Icon_minitimeVen 17 Juin 2011 - 6:35

You're welcome! So many people were having trouble getting their bunnies to connect and this worked for me, so thought I'd share. yellownabzsmile

Anyone who would like to translate it, is sure welcome to. nabzturnaround
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MessageSujet: Re: Tutorial: Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear   Tutorial:  Setting up a difficult Nabaztag;tag on Netgear Icon_minitime

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