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 Audio packages

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2 participants
Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : Belgique
Nabaztag : Toog (v2) avec Marie sur l'avatar
Nbr de messages : 205
Carottes : 4959

Audio packages Empty
MessageSujet: Audio packages   Audio packages Icon_minitimeDim 7 Aoû 2011 - 13:17

Audio packages : read above to see README and URL :-)

Citation :

This document is unix formatted, use a software like notepad++ to read this document.

For each archive you always have the tar.gz and zip version available (in folders tgz and zip), it's just to make it easier for everyone, the content in file is exactly the same.
Don't download all of them, you take bandwidth from the others.

Best file to use on OJN english server ('uk' tones) with 'clock' and 'Send random mp3 at random intervals'

Usage :
- go into folder ojn_local/plugins
- unzip/untargz it
- It creates a "clock/violet/" folder and also some sub-folders representing hours with at least 7 mp3/folder.
- It also creates a "surprise/violet" folder with 305 mp3 ;-)
- don't forget to configure your plugins to use the "violet" folder and set the frequency for 'Send random mp3 at random intervals' plugin

This package provides one additional 'pack' (and to choose into admin interface INSTEAD OF habitual violet messages)
The audio package is : - RavingRabbids
For use it see above. It creates only files into surprise folder for RavingRabbids folder

!!! WARNING the fr package provides SouthPark sounds but it's only in french. I don't have time to seek this kind of sound in english/uk,
but if you give me, I could put in zip/tgz !!!

This package does the same thing that just before but includes files into violet folder with corrects filenames.

These files contain all the files we could to recover from Violet, sorted by language.
In these packages : hours 'clock', 'clockall' when it doesn't give it to you (sentences like 'I'm sorry, I forgot the hour'), "mood" 'surprise', but also the weather (in folder 'weather'), air quality and also messages when it did'nt understand you (speech recognition), 'reco' folder.

Availables languages are :
- Portuguese : br
- German : de
- English : into uk, us, en
- Spanish : es
- French : fr
- Italian : it
- Japan : jp-JP

If you just want to put an other language on your server for 'clock' and 'Send random mp3 at random intervals' plugins, you should copy the files from your language packs (files are in /broad/config/clock/{your language}/ and /broad/config/surprise/{your language}/ folders) in
ojn_local/plugins/clock/violet/ and ojn_local/plugins/surprise/violet/ (see above at 'nabaz-ojn-mp3-uk' section)

Dernière édition par lgnap le Lun 22 Aoû 2011 - 15:53, édité 1 fois
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : PACA
Nabaztag : Lapinou
Nbr de messages : 182
Carottes : 5127

Audio packages Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Audio packages   Audio packages Icon_minitimeDim 7 Aoû 2011 - 15:39

Un grand merci pour ce pack: voilà qui est clair et pratique !
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : Belgique
Nabaztag : Toog (v2) avec Marie sur l'avatar
Nbr de messages : 205
Carottes : 4959

Audio packages Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Audio packages   Audio packages Icon_minitimeLun 22 Aoû 2011 - 15:53

Updated, see README above ;-)
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : Belgique
Nabaztag : Toog (v2) avec Marie sur l'avatar
Nbr de messages : 205
Carottes : 4959

Audio packages Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Audio packages   Audio packages Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû 2011 - 19:01


As you can see on my signature, there is a button to help me to support audio files server.

You must do nothing, but that will be nice.

This button are also on download website.

The generated traffic is overall between 250 and 500 Mo/day

Thanks by advance ;-)
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Audio packages Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Audio packages   Audio packages Icon_minitime

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Audio packages
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