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 Karotz open wifi

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Karotz open wifi Empty
MessageSujet: Karotz open wifi   Karotz open wifi Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin 2012 - 4:23

nabzjump I bought a karatoz with the hope of setting it up at my work where the wifi options are open or WPA2 Enterprise. nabzangry Alas the rabbit only seems to be able to do everything in between. I'm not sure if this forum is Karotz friendly or only version 1 and 2, but I would like to set up my Karotz rabbit with one of these options.
Judging by the it looks like there should be someway to get it working in the wifi config file, but Violet ( nabzangel mindscape nabzangel ) support says no.

Can anyone help?

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