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 Second hand rabbit giving headaches...

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Porto, Portugal
Nbr de messages : 2
Carottes : 3781

Second hand rabbit giving headaches... Empty
MessageSujet: Second hand rabbit giving headaches...   Second hand rabbit giving headaches... Icon_minitimeSam 7 Juin 2014 - 15:21

Hi everyone.

My girlfriend bought a second hand nabaztag:tag (I named it "Bleu") yesterday and we've been trying to get it to work.

The first step, setting up its connection, was fairly easy, it was a matter of finding out about the oJN server. I created an account there and the rabbit shows as "Connected". So far so good.

... but that's about it. It connects properly, starts breathing, and keeps like that forever. He emits a loud, heavy breathing sound about each second, and his belly flashes blue, or blue on the sides and white on the middle. If I press its top button, he emits a loud "sigh" after a while and returns to the previous state. Its ears rotate normally if I try to wake him up or set him to sleep, but he never ever stops emitting the sounds or flashing. A handful of times it emitted a loud "welp", very fast, but that was it. It streams radio alright, and can read fairytales.... but only on command via web. It does nothing on its own.

I'm starting to get afraid it is malfunctioning, but wanted to ask you first before returning it. Really wanted to keep it in the house!  nabzcryriver 

Thanks in advance for any help you can get me.

edit: the TTS plugin can, sometimes!, make it talk. But it only works sometimes, and the breathing always interrupts whatever it's reading. I'm lost here.
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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Localisation : France
Nbr de messages : 1287
Carottes : 6643

Second hand rabbit giving headaches... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Second hand rabbit giving headaches...   Second hand rabbit giving headaches... Icon_minitimeLun 9 Juin 2014 - 16:41


I don't think that your Nabaztag is malfunctioning. It looks like a software problem:
- Check your firmware version, (on the setup page, at the bottom). If you're not on 0.0.10, then try to upgrade: (it's in French sorry >_< )
- Make sure you don't have any network problem (blocked port, ip addresses conflict, too much latency ...)
- Try to contact the owner of the server about this problem; if he has some spare time, he would be able to investigate directly
- Disable all the plugins; keep the bare minimum and see if it keeps behaving strange

The Nabaztag doesn't do anything on its own; you have to enable some plugins on the Web admin so it starts doing stuff (like its TaiChi (random), weather info, Sleep/WakeUp, ... ). Be careful though, if you enable too much, it will quickly become anoying ^^

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Porto, Portugal
Nbr de messages : 2
Carottes : 3781

Second hand rabbit giving headaches... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Second hand rabbit giving headaches...   Second hand rabbit giving headaches... Icon_minitimeLun 9 Juin 2014 - 16:49

Hello! Thanks for the help.

The firmware is the 0.0.10. It's connecting properly (I had at first some connection issues but quickly solved them) and the network is functioning properly (I assume). I tried enabling several plugins already (like weather, clock, etc.) but none of them, except those that send "direct" actions work, and even those don't work as (again, I assume) would properly would. TTS, for example, only functions sometimes, and even then the rabbit seems to stop mid-sentence to continue looping through the "breathing" sound.

I'm going to try and contact the server owner directly, as you suggested.

Thanks once again.
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Second hand rabbit giving headaches... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Second hand rabbit giving headaches...   Second hand rabbit giving headaches... Icon_minitime

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Second hand rabbit giving headaches...
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