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 Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag

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2 participants
Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag Empty
MessageSujet: Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag   Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag Icon_minitimeLun 9 Mai 2016 - 15:06

Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag

a raspberry pi 2 (gpio to 40pin)
system installed on sd raspbian (debian), which already includes python
Add the support for i2c ..
(I2c-tools, python-smbus then raspi-config to configure the module into the kernel etc)

a nabaztag v2, open and disconnect its motherboard

I recommend a breadboard!

diagrams and software here

Caution!! even if it's low voltage 3.3 and 5 volts raspberry may damage !!


** LED rgb **
the nab has 5 led rbg (1 bottom, 3 and 1 ventral, 1 for the nose) integrated into the motherboard
not is the case of disassembly .. so buy new with a some resistor
220 ohm (according to the LED and the color we may have to use different values for
a homogeneous light but for our experiments that's okay)

breath led, will manage directly from RB while for others we use
the integrated mcp23017 as gpio extender (adds 16gpio)

as we limit colors to the seven classic colors not to complicate life too much

** Ears **

for controlling the motors we need another component, the integrated L293D
remember to connect the +5 volts motor NOT to RB but to other external source

** RFID **

Warning operates at 5 volts while the i2c RB is 3.3 V .. say that the RB is tolerant but
probably a level converter would need

** Ear position sensors **

why we connect test of LEDs that turn on and off according to rotation
and to test we can rotate with the hands the ears!

sorry for errors or horrors! yellownabzwink
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : Pays de la moutarde
Nabaztag : Nabaztiki
Nbr de messages : 299
Carottes : 6482

Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag   Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag Icon_minitimeLun 9 Mai 2016 - 22:21

Poor bunny yellownabzsad

Nice work by the way.
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Experiments with the Raspberry Pi and the hardware of the Nabaztag
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