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 free mother

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3 participants
Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeMar 27 Mar 2018 - 19:14

since I can not connect my mother to the site and the media does not respond to my emails ..

we will create our own server or at least we will try ..

is very little about this argument, so any information is welcome!

free mother Immagi11

a linux pc (a raspberry with raspbian is fine)
we assume the name of the ethernet card is eth0

install the dnsmasq package (for dhcp and dns)
apt-get install dnasmasq

we configure /etc/dnsmasq.conf

# global options
domain =
local = /
listen-address =
listen-address =

# DHCP range
dhcp-range = eth0,,,12h

we assign the ip to the network card (eth0) where we connected Mother
ifconfig eth0 netmask

add these lines to the /etc/hosts file

we modify /etc/ntp.conf to read the time from the pc clock

we add

fudge stratum 10

and comment on the lines of 'pool'

for the server part I used (thanks Pithikos!)

follow the installation instructions (python install)

copy the modified server program

please edit the file and set mac address variable (check it in you router)
compose with "MO" + MACADDRESS without ":"
like this
mac='MO0004A3F90001' ###change here

same in the clienttest.html

free mother Log10

connect Mother and after a few seconds she will smile

To see the effects, in the same pc loaded in firefox the clienttest.html
free mother Client10

the name of 4 cookies (node) are hex digit, plese analyze the log on server and change the file
this are mine


help me, please test!!!

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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Avr 2018 - 22:48

ver 1

Added a sqlite db to store sensor data and created a page to display data

free mother Scherm11
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeVen 13 Avr 2018 - 18:58

added the management of the reset sounds and animations
(tap tap between the eyes when starting M.)

to work you need a web server
installed in the same pc for example

apt-get install webfs
create the / var / www / html folder and copy it into the two folders


containing the files

default webfs is activated on localhost: 8000
that should be following my example

the sounds are mono wav files sampled at 16k I do not know the limits of M.
the animations are described in the json text files you have to go a little imagination and do tests

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Age : 54
Localisation : Geneve
Nabaztag : Karotz
Nbr de messages : 34
Carottes : 3135

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeMar 5 Juin 2018 - 13:14

Thank you very much for your work !
I will try it as soon as possible nabzcheers

edit 16.06.18:
trying to install python-websocket-server-master:
I need to add this command before running 'python install': sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

edit 17.06.18:
I connected my mother and she smile, but not for long time. After a few minutes I have that: sorry for the poor quality:
free mother 20180610

And the cookies does not appears like in your example
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : France
Nbr de messages : 2
Carottes : 2170

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Sep 2018 - 19:32


Thank you for this great work.

I tested the software on my mother : the synchronization is going well and the data of the cookies are well received.

By cons, I have the same problem of disconnection as luismo.

Looking a little closer, it seems to happen after receiving a "time" request that is not processed by the python script.

As a workaround, I made a change to return an empty message (msgup style) and this seems to prevent disconnection.

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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeVen 14 Sep 2018 - 9:04

sorry for the delay!
if you disconnect it is probably a problem in the ping part that should keep the connection alive.
It is possible that there is some unmanaged case! I'm sorry! :-)
If you pass me your information I try to implement them in the script.
Now I will do other tests.

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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeVen 14 Sep 2018 - 20:18

I tried to leave Mother connected several minutes, the connection does not fall, I do not understand
are you using version 11?

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : France
Nbr de messages : 2
Carottes : 2170

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeVen 14 Sep 2018 - 20:45


Yes, I'm using the version 11.

This is a "time" command that reacts as a kind of keep-alive.

Here is the request :
{"resource" : "time", "method" : "get"}

I modified the script to add a response to this command.
I only send a msg up with no other information and then the connection doesn't fall down.

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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitimeMar 21 Mai 2019 - 21:23

Added the answer I 'believe' correct to {"resource" : "time", "method" : "get"}
now set the date to mother for events etc

an extract


# from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def totimestamp(dt, epoch=datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)):
   td = dt - epoch
   # return td.total_seconds()
   return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 86400) * 10**6) / 10**6

    #add 09-2018 and 05-2019
    if j['resource']=='time':
     if j['method']=='get':
       print "response at time get width time set...."
       # set time        utcnow()
       now =
       print now
       ntptime = totimestamp(now)        
       msgSetTime ='{"body": '+str(ntptime)+', "resource": "time", "method": "post" }'        
       server.send_message(client, msgSetTime)
       print "SRV: "+msgSetTime
       #server.send_message(client, msgup)
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free mother Empty
MessageSujet: Re: free mother   free mother Icon_minitime

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free mother
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