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 mother disassembled

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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

mother disassembled Empty
MessageSujet: mother disassembled   mother disassembled Icon_minitimeDim 15 Avr 2018 - 20:33

I found the courage to open ..
(unfortunately with some damage to the plastic)
she's very pretty

info on the hardware
microprocessor PIC32MX675F
flash FL064PIF

mother disassembled P_201810
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3710

mother disassembled Empty
MessageSujet: Re: mother disassembled   mother disassembled Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Mai 2018 - 8:53

Found console port

mother disassembled Consol11



=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2018.05.15 20:21:44 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

#-0- System starting
#-0- Firmware Version: 414
#-0- Init SENSE Hardware
#-0- Init I2C
#-0- Init LED Driver
#-0- Init MEM
#-0- Memory JedecID: 10216
#-0- Init DAC Audio
#-0- Init Touch sensor
#-2008- Run Animation Const "start"
#-7352- Run Animation Const "nonetwork"
#-7356- #Starting TCP/IP...
#-7360- #Starting SimpliciTI...
#-7363- #Starting main loop...
#-7365- #New IP Address:
#-9254- Run Animation Const "nonetwork"
#-10286- Run Animation Const "noplateform"
#-11604- #Try to connect to platform...
#-11608- Run Animation Const "noplateform"
#-11613- #New IP Address:
#-12991- #Reset RF...
#-12993- #Starting SimpliciTI...
#-13493- #Connected to platform
#-13496- Run Animation Const "noregistration"
#-13501- #Post JSON_PRIO{"resource" : "auth", "method" : "post", "type" : "gateway", "body" : {"serial" : "MO000AAAAAAAAA", "firmware" : "414"}}
#-13514- #RNOW-129
#-13519- #RW-95-login_get
#-13523- #Post JSON_PRIO{"resource" : "login", "method" : "post", "body" : {"encToken" : "7911671779F61624B692E3D5BB848C183DCCCE6B"}}
#-13539- #RW-66-login_post
#-13542- #Post JSON_PRIO{"resource" : "registration", "method" : "get"}
#-13556- #Post JSON{"resource" : "events", "method" : "post", "body" : [{"timestamp" : "2006-01-01 00:00:12", "feed_type" : "99", "value" : "Nb Cookie : Reset_RF"}]}
#-13571- #RW-31
#-13573- #RW-104-registration
#-13576- Run Animation Const "registration"
#-13582- #Post JSON_PRIO{"resource" : "planning", "method" : "get"}
#-13588- #Post JSON_PRIO{"resource" : "state", "method" : "get"}
#-13594- #Post JSON_PRIO{"resource" : "library/resident", "method" : "get", "body" : {"version" : "0"}}
#-13603- #RW-288-state
#-14484- Run Animation Const "newstate"
#-14492- #RW-1008-library/resident
#-14501- #Try to connect to File Server...
#-14505- #Connected to File Server
GET /00103/idle.json HTTP/1.0
Connection: close

#-14517- #TCP_FIN received from platform...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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mother disassembled
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