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 Nabatag V1 On Openjab

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2 participants
Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : London,UK
Nbr de messages : 82
Carottes : 6558

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MessageSujet: Nabatag V1 On Openjab   Nabatag V1 On Openjab Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Juin 2018 - 21:49


I have only just noticed so it could of been occuring for some time (maybe a month ago or so) but I noticed my Nabaztag has stopped all vocal messages; no time, no "moods".
I then simply unplugged and plugged back in and it was working but since last wek the sounds have stopped. My questions are:

- any idea why the sounds have stopped? I have checked openjab and the rabbit is connected fine with the moods and and time announcements set up properly. I also have 2 other Nabaztags v2 which have no issues on openjab
- why does it take my V1 so long to connect to openjab once I plug it back in- the last time I did this it took approx a week to finally connect (nose was flashing orange and green)?
is it waiting in a queue to connect to to the server?

Many thanks

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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : London,UK
Nbr de messages : 82
Carottes : 6558

Nabatag V1 On Openjab Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabatag V1 On Openjab   Nabatag V1 On Openjab Icon_minitimeVen 22 Juin 2018 - 7:47


Any help from Openjab dev(s)?
My V1 Nabaztag has now been trying to connect for nearly two weeks, just a
Orange/green flashing nose, all other lights are green. Absolutely nothing has been changed settings wise, I simply unplugged/plugged the rabbit back in.

Many thanks

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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Localisation : France
Nbr de messages : 1287
Carottes : 6570

Nabatag V1 On Openjab Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabatag V1 On Openjab   Nabatag V1 On Openjab Icon_minitimeLun 25 Juin 2018 - 13:41


I don't think there are any ongoing development at the moment, especially for the V1.

I have one though. if there's interest, I could try to do something for them in the next few weeks. I currently don't have much time right now :/

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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : London,UK
Nbr de messages : 82
Carottes : 6558

Nabatag V1 On Openjab Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabatag V1 On Openjab   Nabatag V1 On Openjab Icon_minitimeLun 25 Juin 2018 - 13:46

Hi RedoX,


I think it is an OpenJab issue and I was just curious as to why my V1 suddenly stopped connecting even though I see other V1's connected to OpenJab with no issues- something has changed on the Openjab side in the last 4 weeks,

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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : London,UK
Nbr de messages : 82
Carottes : 6558

Nabatag V1 On Openjab Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabatag V1 On Openjab   Nabatag V1 On Openjab Icon_minitimeMar 26 Juin 2018 - 21:49


Today I came home and my V1 had connected to Openjab by itself, also the talking clock and sound returned. Obviously an issue with Openjab but I'm not sure what.

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MessageSujet: Re: Nabatag V1 On Openjab   Nabatag V1 On Openjab Icon_minitime

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