(Violet staff, please see a translation error [1] and possible bug [2])This may save you some time if you have just started playing with the version 2 API.
Using basic commands, you will use "posleft" and "posright" to move the ears. It is worth knowing that these refer to the ears as you look at your rabbit, so posleft is actually the rabbit's *rignt* ear! (Doh!)
The docs say that the positions are 0-16 with 0 being the horizontal position. This is translated incorrectly - 0 is actually
vertical, ie: your rabbit ears will point to the ceiling!
[1] From the UK, it seems to take between 1-10 seconds for your rabbit to receive the command from the Nabaztag server. Occasionally it can take over 30 seconds to do anything.
Repeat messages of the same ear positions thankfully don't seem to do anything (this is a good feature for realtime monitoring).
I think the "ears=ok" command returns the ears to their prior position after your command, which again is probably not wanted for real-time stuff.
If a command is sent whilst your Nabaztag is doing Tai-Chi then it can confuse his rabbit brain. I'm sending the same value for posleft and posright (ie: I want the ears to always be level with each other) but they sometimes get out of sync if he was already wiggling them when the command arrives. Unfortunately, this problem doesn't seem to be corrected on subsequent ear moves, leading me to advise against trusting the ear positions too much
[2]I am using a "ttlive" value of 1. I don't see any need for ear movements to be archived on the Nabaztag server for more than 1 second! You can probably use 0 as well.
I haven't played with the more advanced choreography commands yet, and I'm not even sure they will leave the ears in the final position after the routine is finished. Perhaps someone could tell me?
I hope this helps someone, please post any comments.