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 Nabcast not working?

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3 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 41
Carottes : 6537

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 0:50

I subscribed to one for 1 min from when I subscribed and that was 2 hours ago and still no nabcast.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 41
Carottes : 6537

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 0:54

how does the time system work on here for nabcast?
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Gold Nabz
Gold Nabz

Age : 49
Localisation : Le Pradet
Nabaztag : Ragondin (V1 rebelle)
Nbr de messages : 712
Carottes : 6541

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 1:08

It depends on people who make them.

Some people broadcast on a daily basis or on a weekly basis. More often, it is quite irregular, so don't worry if you hear nothing.

You have to wait for people bringing new stuff yellownabzwink
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 41
Carottes : 6537

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 1:13

but what about the archieves, I cant make those play on my nabaztag? Also how does the time system work? If its 6:12 pm here right now do I choose 6 hours and 45 minutes to make it play at 6:45 my time every time they broadcast something new? Thanks
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 41
Carottes : 6537

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 1:15

my nabaztag isnt doing anything. Is it normal for him to be quiet for so long?
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Gold Nabz
Gold Nabz

Age : 49
Localisation : Le Pradet
Nabaztag : Ragondin (V1 rebelle)
Nbr de messages : 712
Carottes : 6541

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 1:21

You can listen to the archives from the site.

And yes, if you choose 6h45, it will play new stuff at this time when there's something new available.

If you want to see your rabbit moving and speaking, you have to activate some services, or need to have a lot of friends who will send you messages yellownabzhappy
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 41
Carottes : 6537

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 1:27

ok so its 7:26 pm here usa eastern time. So I just set my new yorks time news update to 19 hours and 23 minutes. I did that at 7:20 eastern time. So if you do the math, 19 hours and 23 mins = 7:23 usa time right? Yet I dont get the news yet, am I doing this right? Thanks
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Gold Nabz
Gold Nabz

Age : 49
Localisation : Le Pradet
Nabaztag : Ragondin (V1 rebelle)
Nbr de messages : 712
Carottes : 6541

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 1:55

You can check your timezone on your account on the site.

I don't know what the exact phrases are, but it is located in the My account/Personal Information section (green color)

there are four parts and the last one is for time zone.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 41
Carottes : 6537

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 2:11

ok, I got it working, its the same as military time. The new york times one wont work for some reason though,lol. Can I get RSS feeds with a free subscription?
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Silver Nabz
Silver Nabz

Nbr de messages : 309
Carottes : 6711

Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep 2006 - 14:10

You can get the ones you like out of the 6 different feeds Nabaztag's site offers ...
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Nabcast not working? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabcast not working?   Nabcast not working? Icon_minitime

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Nabcast not working?
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