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 Sending MP3s

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5 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 5
Carottes : 6505

Sending MP3s Empty
MessageSujet: Sending MP3s   Sending MP3s Icon_minitimeLun 9 Oct 2006 - 10:37

Hi everyone!

I've been reading the API (version 2) and, in section 'How to send an event', it says that idMessage could refer to 'a personal MP3 file that you have downloaded'. I don't completely understand what that's meaning. If I have a MP3 file in my harddisk and I want to send it to my own (or any) nabaztag, how could I do that?

Please, send me an example!
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Yellow Subadmin

Age : 56
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zvi (V1) et Zeev (V2)
Nbr de messages : 10056
Carottes : 6906

Sending MP3s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sending MP3s   Sending MP3s Icon_minitimeLun 9 Oct 2006 - 10:52

Hey :-)

If you wanna send yourself a mp3, it's easy : you can send it by mail to "". Don't forget to fill the objetc line ok? (put what you want it doesn't matter, but if you don't fill it, the message will be "empty"

I don't know the API you are talking about, can you send me the link and then, I'll see that?
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il est cap' !!!

Localisation : Plat Pays
Nabaztag : Tabatha (V1) & Traci (V2)
Nbr de messages : 3718
Carottes : 6845

Sending MP3s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sending MP3s   Sending MP3s Icon_minitimeLun 9 Oct 2006 - 11:31

Aero, he's speaking about the second version of the API that was released by Violet.

He's not speaking about any application developed by anyone yellownabzhappy
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Nabazteur Courtois
Nabazteur Courtois

Localisation : Btx
Nabaztag : NaBoByZ
Nbr de messages : 4349
Carottes : 6519

Sending MP3s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sending MP3s   Sending MP3s Icon_minitimeLun 9 Oct 2006 - 11:45

To send a personal MP3 you have to subscribe to full-rabbit no ?

Or use BigPanda's web page ...
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Karotzeur taquin

Age : 57
Localisation : Rouen - France
Nabaztag : Caulfield (v2.1)
Nbr de messages : 9783
Carottes : 13226

Sending MP3s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sending MP3s   Sending MP3s Icon_minitimeLun 9 Oct 2006 - 12:30


When you are on this page :
you can see the ID of your Mp3, if you let your mouse few seconds on the title in the list.
'Music ID : 1234567'

To play this Mp3 on your Nabaztag :
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Sending MP3s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sending MP3s   Sending MP3s Icon_minitime

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Sending MP3s
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