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 VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag

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5 participants
Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Gob
Nbr de messages : 51
Carottes : 6545

VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Empty
MessageSujet: VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag   VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Jan 2007 - 15:58

The API has gotten a boost in functionality and may now send URLs of MP3 files or feeds to a tag/tag.

This new feature allows you to integrate your applications with MP3, podcast and webradio players. Now you can create application for your exceptionally talented rabbit with streaming audio !

How does it work ?

If you have a tag/tag, you can use the API to send him MP3 hyperlinks to make him play podcasts or webradio.

All you have to do is call or include your application in the URL with the following settings :

sn Serial number of the Nabaztag/tag that’s going to receive the URLs
token The token is a series of digits given when you activate Nabaztag’s reception of external events. This identification limits the risk of spam since you must know the serial number and the token to send a message.
urlList URL address of the MP3 file that you want your Nabaztag/tag to read.
If you wish to play several MP3 files in a row, you can can seperate them with this character « | ».

Example- play a webradio station :

If the MP3 feed is available, your tag/tag will play it.

To play several mp3 streams, you must separate each URL with the character « | ».|

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Yellow Subadmin

Age : 56
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zvi (V1) et Zeev (V2)
Nbr de messages : 10056
Carottes : 6953

VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag   VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Jan 2007 - 19:17

Quick quick!! Do it do it do it!!! I can't wait for my rabbit playing Hair Metal MDR
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : usa
Nbr de messages : 4
Carottes : 5767

VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Empty
MessageSujet: confused...   VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Icon_minitimeVen 12 Déc 2008 - 4:43

i try to send stations to my nabaztag/tag, and get the response that it has been sent, but nothing happens...what am i doing wrong? is there a specific format for the streams to be in? i do not understand clearly when it says "if there are mp3's on the page, they will play" makes it seem like any page that hosts mp3s will play, which is not what is occuring....

help, please!

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Diamond Nabz
Diamond Nabz

Localisation : Valbonne
Nabaztag : MivoZtamp (je n'ai plus de lapin mais il me reste mes Ztamp:s)
Nbr de messages : 3764
Carottes : 6071

VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag   VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Icon_minitimeVen 12 Déc 2008 - 10:27

Hi tagi,

did you replace the values for token and sn in calsim8's URL with your token and sn? Your rabbit also should be configured to accept applications of Nabazsphère in your profile.

good luck!
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : fr
Nbr de messages : 1
Carottes : 5685

VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag   VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Icon_minitimeMer 18 Fév 2009 - 15:12


I seem to have the same problem as Tagi
and I did setup the ecosysteme..

I call to the following URL:

with my info and credentials

I get this message:
WEBRADIOSENTYour webradio has been sent

and the nabaztag's lights blink once and one of his ear rotates fully, then he stops

Anyone knows what this could be about?

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VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag   VIOLET : API/Sending a URL to a Nabaztag/tag Icon_minitime

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