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 VIOLET: Update on platform progress, Friday 29th

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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Gob
Nbr de messages : 51
Carottes : 6581

VIOLET: Update on platform progress, Friday 29th Empty
MessageSujet: VIOLET: Update on platform progress, Friday 29th   VIOLET: Update on platform progress, Friday 29th Icon_minitimeVen 29 Déc 2006 - 11:42

Current state of progress for the Nabaztag platform

On the 26th and 27th of December, our teams have completed some important
work on our site architecture and our servers. This work has allowed us to
gain better access and stronger support on the site
for the registration of new Rabbits. It has also strengthened the
availability of where the Rabbit's are configured and where
messages are exchanged. The servers that support Nabaztags that were already
configured and connected and that provide their services were always

After a few tries during the day on Wednesday, we have reopened the site in a satisfactory state that evening. In the following days,
we are going to be closely observing our servers so that we can be assured
that the optimizations we have put in place are stable and won't risk a
future collapse. By consequence, we are in essence going to freeze the
platform until January 2nd :
No major additions to the services area will be put in place before this
date so we can ensure the platform's stability.

Many of you have asked for an update on the services that are now
functional, so here they are :
- Sending messages (I can read), MP3s, Little Words, Library and Nabshare =>
- Alarm free & full => OK
- Weather => OK
- Stock ticker free => OK
- Air quality => OK
- Paris Traffic => OK
- Ear language => OK
If there are still bugs that need to be brought to our attention, do not
hesitate to send us a little message at

The following services or functionalities have been suspended or delayed and
will be put back online progressively after the 2nd of January :
- Nabcasts
- RSS feeds
- Email alerts free & full
- Stock alerts full
- Sending emails to a Rabbit
- Voice command
- Podcasts
- Webradio

In addition, because of the high number of multiple registrations by the
users due to our platform instability, we will be sending you an email
indicating your one, true registered Nabname as well as information
concerning your account.

As was the case last week, we will continue to keep you updated on the
progress of our work. You can get these updates by checking in regularly to
the site Nabazta(blu)g.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that have expressed
their support and understanding through their messages and posts and for
their continued patience.
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VIOLET: Update on platform progress, Friday 29th
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