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 Possible privacy issues

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2 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Italy
Nbr de messages : 1
Carottes : 6405

Possible privacy issues Empty
MessageSujet: Possible privacy issues   Possible privacy issues Icon_minitimeSam 13 Jan 2007 - 11:53

I have bought a tag/tag and began experimenting with it. I am usually a bit paranoid about my network, but I bought my tag/tag without thinking of it.

Now, one week later, I am beginning to think about privacy issues.

Violet has my name and my serial number, and has access to a device that lives in my home and in my network. This means that they could (I am *NOT* saying that they actually do it, just that they *COULD* do it. I am *NOT* accusing Violet of wrongdoing!) easily violate my privacy in a lot of ways.

They could listen to what I say using the microphone in my tag/tag

They could sniff my (internal, inside my firewall) network traffic using the tag/tag

They could use the tag/tag as if it were a compromised host that has full access to my LAN, inside the firewall, to actively attack my windows computers.

Or someone else could attack and crack Violet's server, and then use it to make the same attacks through our Nabaztags.

I am quite worried about this... and I am thinking about connecting my tag/tag outside of my LAN and putting a switch on the microphone.
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Age : 38
Localisation : Wales UK
Nabaztag : Tipzy
Nbr de messages : 27
Carottes : 6410

Possible privacy issues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Possible privacy issues   Possible privacy issues Icon_minitimeSam 13 Jan 2007 - 12:01

Ford could be tracking your new car via GPS satellites

BT could be listening into your calls

Google Earth could be watching your subathe naked in your backyard

AOL could be monitoring your internet usage

The possibility is there but it just doesnt happen, there are laws
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Possible privacy issues
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