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 My Nabcast, and does anyone know...

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

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My Nabcast, and does anyone know... Empty
MessageSujet: My Nabcast, and does anyone know...   My Nabcast, and does anyone know... Icon_minitimeDim 22 Avr 2007 - 13:54

Hey, does anyone know when we'll have 90 seconds for a nabcast? I could do so much more!

I just began nabcasting. What fun... I love this little rabbit. I mean, it's sort of a silly thing, but I feel like it does keep me in touch. I think once Violet gets all the bugs ironed out, these little guys will be a force to be reckoned with.

My nabcast is called "Ask WandaJune". It's in the humor section. You can text me a question (WandaJune), let me know it's for the nabcast, and WandaJune the bunny will answer it.

Don't expect too deep an answer. She's a plastic bunny. And I have a lot of brain fog, so I can't help her much.

I've done a couple of casts so far... It's a blast. I wish I had better recording equipment (I use my mp3 player) but it sounds pretty clear I guess. Except for when I hit the "Stop" button at the end of the recording. yellownabzhappy

Anyway, I do want to thank Violet... I have worked with computers and I know that things do not always go as planned or even as closely on schedule as we would like. I think, so far, it's a cool little gadget they've created. I encourage them to keep chugging and take it to the next level.

take care
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My Nabcast, and does anyone know...
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