Debug mode (extensions.nabaztag.script.debug):
0=no warnings + message sent to the nabz
1=only warnings
2=warnings + message sent to the nabz
var noun_type_radio = {
_name: "radio list",
suggest : function suggest(text, html, callback) {
var lst_array = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist").split(";");
for (var i=0; i < lst_array.length; ++i) {
if (jQuery.trim(text.toLowerCase()) == lst_array[i].substr(0, jQuery.trim(text).length)) {
result = lst_array[i];
callback(CmdUtils.makeSugg(lst_array[i], lst_array[i], result));
return [CmdUtils.makeSugg("")];
var noun_type_bot = {
_name: "bot list",
suggest : function suggest(text, html, callback) {
var lst_array = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.botlist").split(";");
for (var i=0; i < lst_array.length; ++i) {
if (jQuery.trim(text.toLowerCase()) == lst_array[i].substr(0, jQuery.trim(text).length)) {
result = lst_array[i];
callback(CmdUtils.makeSugg(lst_array[i], lst_array[i], result));
return [CmdUtils.makeSugg("")];
Nabaztag = {
if (Application.prefs.has(key)) {
return (Application.prefs.get(key).value);
else {
displayMessage("Key " + key + ", doesn't exist.");
return "";
if (Application.prefs.has(key)) {return (Application.prefs.get(key).value);}
else {return "";}
setKey:function(key, val){
Application.prefs.setValue(key, val);
return "";
name: ["nabz-ia","IA"],
arguments:[ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'input'},
{role: 'goal', nountype: noun_type_bot} ],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Ubiquity, Nabaztag and Pandorabots linked together.",
preview: function( pblock, input ) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.current.bot")) {
pblock.innerHTML = "Current Bot is <b>" +
Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.current.bot")+ "</b>.";
else {
pblock.innerHTML = "There is no current bot assigned.";
execute: function(input, mods) {
DEBUGMODE = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.script.debug");
TIMEOUT = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.api.timeout");
NABZNAME = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.nabzname");
TOKEN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.token");
SN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.serial");
VOICE = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.voice");
if (mods.to.text == "") {
BOTNAME = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.current.bot");
else {
BOTNAME = mods.to.text;
if (DEBUGMODE != 0) {CmdUtils.log("Bot Name................. : " + BOTNAME);}
BOTID = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.bot." + BOTNAME);
// RNAME = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.replace.botname");
// RURL = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.replace.url");
if ((DEBUGMODE=="")||(TIMEOUT=="")||(NABZNAME=="")||(TOKEN=="")||
(SN=="")||(VOICE=="")||(BOTID=="")||(BOTNAME=="")) {
if (DEBUGMODE != 0) {CmdUtils.log("Input.................... : " + input.text);}
input.text = input.text.replace("Ã ", "a");
input.text = input.text.replace("á", "a");
input.text = input.text.replace("â", "a");
input.text = input.text.replace("ä", "a");
input.text = input.text.replace("ç", "c");
input.text = input.text.replace("è", "e");
input.text = input.text.replace("Ã
", "e");
input.text = input.text.replace("ë", "e");
input.text = input.text.replace("ê", "e");
input.text = input.text.replace("ì", "i");
input.text = input.text.replace("Ã", "i");
input.text = input.text.replace("Ã
", "i");
input.text = input.text.replace("ï", "i");
input.text = input.text.replace("ò", "o");
input.text = input.text.replace("ó", "o");
input.text = input.text.replace("ô", "o");
input.text = input.text.replace("ö", "o");
input.text = input.text.replace("ù", "u");
input.text = input.text.replace("ú", "u");
input.text = input.text.replace("û", "u");
input.text = input.text.replace("ü", "u");
input.text = input.text.replace("ý", "y");
input.text = input.text.replace("ÿ", "y");
if (DEBUGMODE != 0) {CmdUtils.log("Input formatted.......... : " + input.text);}
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
datatype: "xml",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
url: "http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk-xml",
data: {botid: BOTID, input: input.text, custid: SN},
error: function() {displayMessage("Pandorabot error.");},
success: function(xml) {
tts = jQuery(this).find('that').text();
if (Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.replace.botname") == "true") {
// Replace the name of the bot by the name of your nabaztag
tts = tts.replace(BOTNAME, NABZNAME);
tts = tts.replace(BOTNAME.toLowerCase(), NABZNAME);
tts = tts.replace(BOTNAME.toUpperCase(), NABZNAME);
if (Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.replace.url") == "true") {
// Replace <url>*</url> with the content of this url.
var reg = /<url[^>]*>.*?<\/url>/g;
var lst_occ = reg.exec(tts);
if (lst_occ) {
for (var i=0; i < lst_occ.length; ++i) {
url = jQuery.trim(lst_occ[i].replace(/<\S[^><]*>/g, ""));
myreturn = jQuery.ajax({
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
async: false,
url: url,
tts = tts.replace(lst_occ[i], myreturn);
if (DEBUGMODE != 0) {
CmdUtils.log("Url " + i + ".................... : " + url);
CmdUtils.log("Return " + i + "................. : " + myreturn);
tts = tts.replace(/<script[^>]*>.*?<\/script>/g, ""); // remove <script>*</script>
tts = tts.replace(/<\S[^><]*>/g, ""); // remove html tags
tts = tts.replace(/\s+/g, " "); // remove double spaces
tts = tts.replace("!"," !");
tts = tts.replace("?"," ?");
tts = tts.replace("Ã ", "à ");
tts = tts.replace("á", "á");
tts = tts.replace("â", "â");
tts = tts.replace("ä", "ä");
tts = tts.replace("ç", "ç");
tts = tts.replace("è", "è");
tts = tts.replace("ÃÂ
", "Ã
tts = tts.replace("ê", "ë");
tts = tts.replace("ë", "ê");
tts = tts.replace("ì", "ì");
tts = tts.replace("ÃÂ", "Ã");
tts = tts.replace("ÃÂ
", "Ã
tts = tts.replace("ï", "ï");
tts = tts.replace("ò", "ò");
tts = tts.replace("ó", "ó");
tts = tts.replace("ô", "ô");
tts = tts.replace("ö", "ö");
tts = tts.replace("ù", "ù");
tts = tts.replace("ú", "ú");
tts = tts.replace("û", "û");
tts = tts.replace("ü", "ü");
tts = tts.replace("ý", "ý");
tts = tts.replace("ÿ", "ÿ");
tts = tts.replace("À", "À");
tts = tts.replace("", " ");
tts = tts.replace("", " ");
tts = tts.replace("", " ");
tts = tts.replace("", " ");
tts = tts.replace("!", "!");
tts = tts.replace(""", " ");
tts = tts.replace("#", "#");
tts = tts.replace("$", "$");
tts = tts.replace("%", "%");
tts = tts.replace("&", "et");
tts = tts.replace("'", "'");
tts = tts.replace("(", "(");
tts = tts.replace(")", ")");
tts = tts.replace("*", "*");
tts = tts.replace("+", "+");
tts = tts.replace(",", ",");
tts = tts.replace("-", "-");
tts = tts.replace(".", ".");
tts = tts.replace("/", " ");
tts = tts.replace("(-)", " ");
// tts = tts.replcate(" l ", " l'");
// tts = tts.replcate(" j ", " j\\\'");
// tts = tts.replcate(" qu ", " qu\\\'");
tts = jQuery.trim(tts);
lastdigit = String(tts).substring(String(tts).length - 1, String(tts).length);
if ((lastdigit != ".")&&(lastdigit != "!")&&(lastdigit != "?")) {tts = tts + ".";}
if (DEBUGMODE != 0) {
CmdUtils.log("Last digit............... : " + lastdigit);
CmdUtils.log("Output................... : " + jQuery(this).find('that').text());
CmdUtils.log("Output Formatted......... : " + tts);
if (DEBUGMODE != 1) {
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
url: "http://api.nabaztag.com/vl/FR/api.jsp",
data: {sn: SN, token: TOKEN, voice: VOICE, tts: tts},
error: function() {displayMessage("Nabaztag error : message not sent.");},
success: function() {displayMessage("Message sent to your Nabaztag.");}
name: ["nabz-repeat","REPEAT"],
arguments: [ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'input'}],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Your Nabaztag will repeat the text entered.",
preview: "<b>Your Nabaztag will repeat this text !!</b>",
execute: function(input) {
TIMEOUT = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.api.timeout");
TOKEN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.token");
SN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.serial");
VOICE = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.voice");
if ((TIMEOUT=="")||(TOKEN=="")||(SN=="")||(VOICE=="")) {
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
url: "http://api.nabaztag.com/vl/FR/api.jsp",
data: {sn: SN, token: TOKEN, voice: VOICE, tts: input.text},
error: function() {displayMessage("Nabaztag error : message not sent.");},
success: function() {displayMessage("Message sent to your Nabaztag.");}
name: ["nabz-radio","RADIO"],
arguments: [ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'noun_type_radio'}],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Listen your favorite radio using your Nabaztag.",
preview: function( pblock, input ) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist")) {
lstrad = "Radios available : " + "<b>" + Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist").replace(/;/g, ", ") + ".</b>";
pblock.innerHTML = lstrad.replace(", .","") + ".";
else {
pblock.innerHTML = "No radios available.";
execute: function(input) {
TIMEOUT = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.api.timeout");
TOKEN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.token");
SN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.serial");
if ((TIMEOUT=="")||(TOKEN=="")||(SN=="")) {
mrad = Nabaztag.getKey2("extensions.nabaztag.radio." + input.text.toLowerCase());
if (mrad == "") {
displayMessage("This radio is not configured.");
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
url: "http://api.nabaztag.com/vl/FR/api_stream.jsp",
data: {sn: SN, token: TOKEN, urlList: mrad},
error: function() {displayMessage("Radio not sent to your Nabaztag.");},
success: function() {displayMessage("Radio sent to your Nabaztag.");}
name: ["nabz-quote","NQUOTE"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Send a quotation to your Nabaztag.",
arguments: [ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'input'}],
preview: "<b>Send a quotation to your Nabaztag.</b>",
execute: function(input) {
TIMEOUT = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.api.timeout");
TOKEN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.token");
SN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.serial");
VOICE = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.voice");
if ((TIMEOUT=="")||(TOKEN=="")||(SN=="")||(VOICE=="")) {
"http://finance.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NYSE:" + input.text, null,
function(doc) { // success callback
var mtts =
"le cours de l'action " + input.text + " est de "
+ jQuery("*[@id='ref_13010797_l']", doc).text() + " dollars.";
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
url: "http://api.nabaztag.com/vl/FR/api.jsp",
data: {sn: SN, token: TOKEN, voice: VOICE, tts: mtts},
error: function() {displayMessage("Nabaztag error : message not sent.");},
success: function() {displayMessage("Message sent to your Nabaztag.");}
function() { // error callback
name: ["nabz-switch-bot"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Switch bot.",
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'input'}],
preview: function( pblock, input ) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.current.bot")) {
shtml = "Current Bot is <b>" + Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.current.bot") + "</b>.";
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.botlist")) {
lstbot = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.botlist").replace(/;/g, ", ");
lstbot = "<br><br>Bots available : " + "<b>" + lstbot + ".</b>";
lstbot = lstbot.replace(", .","") + ".";
shtml = shtml + lstbot;
pblock.innerHTML = shtml;
execute: function(input) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.current.bot")) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.bot." + input.text.toLowerCase())) {
Application.prefs.setValue("extensions.nabaztag.current.bot", input.text.toLowerCase());
displayMessage("New bot is " + input.text.toLowerCase());
else {
displayMessage("This bot doesn't exist.");
else {
displayMessage("Key extensions.nabaztag.current.bot, doesn't exist.");
name: ["nabz-wakeup"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Wake up your Nabaztag.",
preview: "Wake up your Nabaztag.",
execute: function(input) {
TIMEOUT = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.api.timeout");
TOKEN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.token");
SN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.serial");
if ((TIMEOUT=="")||(TOKEN=="")||(SN=="")) {
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
url: "http://api.nabaztag.com/vl/FR/api.jsp",
data: {sn: SN, token: TOKEN, action: "14"},
error: function() {displayMessage("Nabaztag error : action not sent.");},
success: function() {displayMessage("Action sent to your Nabaztag.");}
name: ["nabz-sleep"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "It's time to go to bed for your Nabaztag.",
preview: "It's time to go to bed for your Nabaztag.",
execute: function(input) {
TIMEOUT = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.api.timeout");
TOKEN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.token");
SN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.serial");
if ((TIMEOUT=="")||(TOKEN=="")||(SN=="")) {
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
url: "http://api.nabaztag.com/vl/FR/api.jsp",
data: {sn: SN, token: TOKEN, action: "13"},
error: function() {displayMessage("Nabaztag error : action not sent.");},
success: function() {displayMessage("Action sent to your Nabaztag.");}
name: ["nabz-setup"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "By following this wizard, you will (re)configure the commands created for Ubiquity in order to interact with your Nabaztag.",
preview: "By following this wizard, you will (re)configure the commands created for Ubiquity in order to interact with your Nabaztag.",
execute: function(input) {
var window = Utils.currentChromeWindow;
window.alert("Welcome.\n\nBy following this wizard, you will configure the commands created for Ubiquity in order to interact with your Nabaztag.");
//displayMessage("Welcome.\n\nBy following this wizard, you will configure the commands created for Ubiquity in order to interact with your Nabaztag.");
SN = window.prompt(
"Please, fill the serial number of your nabaztag:", Nabaztag.getKey2("extensions.nabaztag.serial"));
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.serial", SN.toLowerCase());
TOKEN = window.prompt(
"Please, fill the token number of your nabaztag:", Nabaztag.getKey2("extensions.nabaztag.token"));
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.token", TOKEN.toLowerCase());
VOICE = window.prompt(
"Please, indicate the voice of your nabaztag:", Nabaztag.getKey2("extensions.nabaztag.voice"));
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.voice", VOICE.toLowerCase());
NABZNAME = window.prompt(
"Please, indicate the name of your nabaztag:", Nabaztag.getKey2("extensions.nabaztag.nabzname"));
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.nabzname", NABZNAME.toLowerCase());
if (window.confirm(
"Do you want that automatically, the name of the bot is replaced by the name of your nabaztag ?")) {
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.replace.botname", "true");
else {
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.replace.botname", "false");
window.alert("The following bots have been added automatically : lola, mathilde, mctarek and Ã
milie (bot by default).");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.radio.europe 1","");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.radio.le mouv","");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.radio.oui fm","");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.radio.tsf jazz","http://broadcast.infomaniak.net:80/tsfjazz-high.mp3");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist","europe 1;le mouv;oui fm;tsf jazz");
window.alert("The following radios have been added automatically : europe 1, Le mouv, oui fm and tsf jazz.");
window.alert("Congratulation. Everything is now properly configured.\n\nAt any time, you can reconfigure everything either by restarting this wizard or by changing manually the settings into the 'about.config' using the filter 'nabaztag'.\n\nNow,...Enjoy !!");
name: ["nabz-setup-add-radio"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Setup a new radio.",
arguments: [ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'radio'}
//, {role: 'source', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'stream'}
preview: function( pblock, input ) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist")) {
lstrad = "Radios already available : " + "<b>" + Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist").replace(/;/g, ", ") + ".</b>";
pblock.innerHTML = lstrad.replace(", .","") + ".";
else {
pblock.innerHTML = "No radios available.";
execute: function(radio, mods) {
RADIONAME = radio.text.toLowerCase();
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.radio." + RADIONAME)) {
displayMessage("This radio already exist.");
// RADIOURL = mods.stream.text.toLowerCase();
RADIOURL = window.prompt("Please, fill url for this radio:", "http://");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.radio." + RADIONAME, RADIOURL);
nKey = (Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist") + ";" + RADIONAME + ";").replace(/;;/g, ";");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist", nKey);
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.radio." + RADIONAME)) {
displayMessage("New Radio correctly added.");
else {
displayMessage("New Radio NOT correctly added.");
name: ["nabz-setup-remove-radio"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
arguments: [ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'input'} ],
description: "Remove an existing radio.",
preview: function( pblock, input ) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist")) {
lstrad = "Radios available : " + "<b>" + Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist").replace(/;/g, ", ") + ".</b>";
pblock.innerHTML = lstrad.replace(", .","") + ".";
else {
pblock.innerHTML = "No radios available.";
execute: function(input) {
RADIONAME = input.text.toLowerCase();
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.radio." + RADIONAME)) {
try {
Application.prefs.get("extensions.nabaztag.radio." + RADIONAME).reset();
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist", Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.radiolist").replace(RADIONAME + ";", ""));
displayMessage("Radio " + RADIONAME + " is now removed");
} catch(e) {
else {
displayMessage("This radio doesn't exist.");
name: ["nabz-setup-add-bot"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Add a new bot.",
arguments: [ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'bot'}
//,{role: 'alias', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'botid'}
preview: function( pblock, input ) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.botlist")) {
lstbot = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.botlist").replace(/;/g, ", ");
lstbot = "<br><br>Bots already available : " + "<b>" + lstbot + ".</b>";
lstbot = lstbot.replace(", .","") + ".";
shtml = lstbot
pblock.innerHTML = shtml;
execute: function(bot, mods) {
BOTNAME = bot.text.toLowerCase();
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.bot." + BOTNAME)) {
displayMessage("This bot already exist.");
// BOTID= mods.botid.text.toLowerCase();
BOTID = window.prompt("Please, fill the botid for this bot:", "");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.bot." + BOTNAME, BOTID);
nKey = (Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.botlist") + ";" + BOTNAME + ";").replace(/;;/g, ";");
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.botlist", nKey);
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.bot." + BOTNAME)) {
displayMessage("New Bot correctly added.");
else {
displayMessage("New Bot NOT correctly added.");
name: ["nabz-setup-remove-bot"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
arguments: [ {role: 'object', nountype: noun_arb_text, label: 'input'}],
description: "Remove an existing bot.",
preview: function( pblock, input ) {
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.botlist")) {
lstbot = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.botlist").replace(/;/g, ", ");
lstbot = "<br><br>Bots available : " + "<b>" + lstbot + ".</b>";
lstbot = lstbot.replace(", .","") + ".";
shtml = lstbot
pblock.innerHTML = shtml;
execute: function(input) {
BOTNAME = input.text.toLowerCase();
if (Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.current.bot") == BOTNAME) {
displayMessage("You cannot remove this bot because this is the bot used by default.");
if (Application.prefs.has("extensions.nabaztag.bot." + BOTNAME)) {
try {
Application.prefs.get("extensions.nabaztag.bot." + BOTNAME).reset();
Nabaztag.setKey("extensions.nabaztag.botlist", Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.botlist").replace(BOTNAME + ";", ""));
displayMessage("Bot " + BOTNAME + " is now removed");
} catch(e) {
else {
displayMessage("This bot doesn't exist.");
name: ["nabz-radio-stop","STOP RADIO"],
homepage: "http://twitter.com/jbx028",
author: {name: "Johnny Baillargeaux", email: "jbx028@hotmail.com"},
license: "MPL",
description: "Stop the radio.",
execute: function(input) {
TIMEOUT = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.api.timeout");
TOKEN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.token");
SN = Nabaztag.getKey("extensions.nabaztag.serial");
if ((TIMEOUT=="")||(TOKEN=="")||(SN=="")) {
type: "GET",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
url: "http://api.nabaztag.com/vl/FR/api_stream.jsp",
data: {sn: SN, token: TOKEN, urlList: mrad},
error: function() {displayMessage("Error.");},
success: function() {displayMessage("Radio will be stopped.");}