I'have translated the little php interface 'Nabaztag Messenger'.
You can now choose ur language between FRench and ENglish.
Its very simple to install and use.
Just download the Zip file here www.nabzone.com, 'Download' section.
Unzip it, edit the index.php file and fill these fields :
- Code:
$MonSerial = "0000000000"; // Serial (MAC) number of your rabbit
$MonToken = "0000000000"; // Your token.
$MonNomDeLapin = ""; // Name of Your Rabbit
$InterfaceDefaut = "oeil" ; // Default display :"tts" for TextToSpeech or "oeil" for 'little words list'
$AvecOreilles = "OUI" ; // Add the Hears interface: 'OUI' for Yes, 'NON' for No.
$UseCurl = "OUI"; // Put 'NON' (no) if you dont have acces to Curl library, else 'OUI' (Yes).
$MaLangue = "FR"; // Language : 'FR' for french, 'EN' for English.
with the informations of your Nabaztag Account.
avec les informations de votre lapin...,
Your token avalaible here
http://my.nabaztag.com/vl/action/myTerrier.doPut the folder on your WebSite server (PHP needed).
It should work...