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 Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN)

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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Nbr de messages : 163

Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN)   Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeLun 26 Fév 2018 - 14:48

strange log, it seems that for some reason the connection falls, no other message in the console?

You can try the simulation of the buttons like this:
open two telnet sessions; in one run the emulator

and in the other go to the /usr/openkarotz/Extra folder
and run
touch 1

to simulate a click and
touch 2
to simulate two clicks

obviously you should see the reactions in the other session and in the karotz itself based on what you have set up on the server.

let me know!
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Corbeil-Essonne
Nabaztag : NabazIfrit (Tag/Tag); Blacky (Tag/Tag); Sunny (Karotz)
Nbr de messages : 37
Carottes : 3047

Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Nabaztag emulator for Karotz   Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMer 28 Fév 2018 - 0:07

carlo64 a écrit:
You can try the simulation of the buttons like this:
[...]go to the /usr/openkarotz/Extra folder and run
touch 1
to simulate a click and
touch 2
to simulate two clicks
Great ! Perfect commands to diagnostic a faulty hardware nabzjump
I've gave it a try and here the results:
- The script is sometimes messing with the physically pressed button, but not with the soft generated (as far as I try).
- Soft, or physical, 3 clicks doesn't start or stop the script, and sometimes 3 physical clicks starts the connexion loop.
- I didn't see any special error message while in the error loop.
Maybe an issue with the events management config ?

After a while I decide to reset the karotz to factory, re-install openkarotz (with his frequent issues at firmware update), and nabemu.
The result (after 4 or 5 reset due to openkarotz and wifi issues) is a perfectly working script !
nabzhello2 Thanks for your work and your support !

I think i may have messed with the properties and/or ownership of some system files when I have launched the selfextract script from /usr/karotz (the default telnet directory) instead of /usr/openkarotz...
As said in a previous post: I put the file in the correct folder and I launched it with /usr/openkarotz/ instead of ./; skipping the not-documented "cd" command (and believing it will works the same despite my telnet's active directory); looks like the script is active directory dependant...

I also noticed you have push a updated script to your github, so I gave it a try but I haven't seen a difference yet.
I think I will try to learn more about nabaztag plugins to try to understand a little more your script and eventually add others plugins compatibility with openjabnab.

New personal goal: the change of led pulse from openjabnab admin page (it's actually showing an empty selection list)
But it will be for another day.
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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3753

Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN)   Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMer 28 Fév 2018 - 9:05

I'm happy that it works!  yellownabzsmile
I have not provided software simulation for the three clicks, I'm sorry! is based on the event run by openkarotz probably is a matter of timing between one click and another.

I also noticed that often the openjabnab server has empty lists, I think it is a problem caused by the language selected in the account, try to set everything in French.

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Bronze Nabz
Bronze Nabz

Localisation : italia
Nbr de messages : 163
Carottes : 3753

Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN)   Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Fév 2021 - 20:13

Adapted the emulator to work on the basis of

simplified installation:
- create a fat32 formatted usb key
- extract the contents of the zip file inside
- insert it into the karotz
- turn on the karotz
the installation is short, then it will start the normal boot of the rabbit and immediately after it will connect to the openjabnab server based on the zip version chosen

the freerabbit functions are disabled but if you continue to use it and add app / time everything will get mixed up a bit ...

this should disable the emulator

this should re-enable the emulator


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MessageSujet: Re: Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN)   Nabaztag emulator for Karotz (OJN) - Page 7 Icon_minitime

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