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 Time zone shift on my rabbit

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5 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 5
Carottes : 6532

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeMer 1 Nov 2006 - 14:02


My rabbit doesn’t seem to be going to sleep on Saturday Morning and waking up at the right time on Monday Morning.

On Saturday mornings, instead of being asleep until 10am (as it’s configured online), it wakes up like it was a Friday.

On Monday mornings, the alarm isn’t going off (like it’s a Sunday).

It’s like my rabbit thinks it’s a day behind?

The only thing I can think might have caused it is that when I first configured it, I was in San Jose, California, and I’ve since brought it back to Australia and changed it to an Australian time zone.

Does anyone know how to fix the date on my rabbit so it’s correctly set to the Australian AEST timezone? (I’ve already done this in the administrative interface, but I’m still having the problems I’ve described above)

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@ Violet
@ Violet

Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zim
Nbr de messages : 20
Carottes : 6554

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Nov 2006 - 13:49

Hey Billy and Vicki,

This is BK from Violet. I think if you deactivate the services which aren't working properly, apply the timezone changes, and then reactivate the services... that might work.

If you can't get it fixed in a few days, post back here and let me know and also e-mail
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 5
Carottes : 6532

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeLun 13 Nov 2006 - 1:43

No good. Tried removing all of the services from the rabbit, re-applying the time zone, alarm, etc, and it's still not working.

Please help! I slept in this morning (Monday), because my Nabaztag alarm didn't go off, and got woken up at 6:30am on Saturday! (which was bad, because I stayed out late Friday night drinking... ouch!)

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 5
Carottes : 6532

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeMar 14 Nov 2006 - 0:41

I was thinking, can't you just reset the date that's recorded on your servers for my rabbit, and set it forward a day? It thinks it's yesterday, so by moving the date forward by one day, it should fix it.

Please help. It really is quite frustrating, and hard to use it properly with it broken like this yellownabzsad

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 5
Carottes : 6532

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeMer 29 Nov 2006 - 6:00

This problem still hasn't been fixed yellownabzsad

I've emailed the support desk again today to see if they can delete my account so I can re-create it again.
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Nabazteur Courtois
Nabazteur Courtois

Localisation : Btx
Nabaztag : NaBoByZ
Nbr de messages : 4349
Carottes : 6573

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeMer 29 Nov 2006 - 8:34

Good idea, I think it could be a solution, but it's very annoying ... and i don't see why the rabbit is delay...

Tell us the furtherance with the support ! And don't loose hope !!
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 5
Carottes : 6532

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeVen 1 Déc 2006 - 6:05

I'm losing hope... I sent my first query to the Nabaztag support desk on the 14 November and never received a reply. I sent another reminder email 2 days ago, and I still haven't received a reply.

And to compound matters, now half of my morning services aren't working any more. I used to have it read out BBC News, the NY Times, and People. Now none of them work. Not even the weather...

When I first got my Nabaztag, I told all my friends just how fantastic it was. Now all I seem to be doing is complaining about how bad it is, and the lack of support I receive.

I'm really disappointed with it all... I hope it gets fixed soon

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Silver Nabz
Silver Nabz

Localisation : Los Angeles, California
Nabaztag : beckynot
Nbr de messages : 353
Carottes : 6604

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeDim 3 Déc 2006 - 1:57

BillyandVickisSillyRabbit a écrit:
I'm losing hope... I sent my first query to the Nabaztag support desk on the 14 November and never received a reply. I sent another reminder email 2 days ago, and I still haven't received a reply.
Try posting on .
There are some Violet employees on the site
who tend to work faster than the support desk.

Take care,
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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Gob
Nbr de messages : 51
Carottes : 6552

Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitimeVen 8 Déc 2006 - 14:20

hey billy, i posted a response to you on the nabaztalk forum if you want to check it out !
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Time zone shift on my rabbit Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time zone shift on my rabbit   Time zone shift on my rabbit Icon_minitime

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Time zone shift on my rabbit
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