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 Time delay

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4 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Nbr de messages : 23
Carottes : 6476

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MessageSujet: Time delay   Time delay Icon_minitimeVen 3 Nov 2006 - 19:06

Hi All

My Nabaztag's time is delayed more or less four minutes. How can that be? what could I do to set it on time?

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Pays-Bas / the Netherlands
Nbr de messages : 3
Carottes : 6441

Time delay Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time delay   Time delay Icon_minitimeVen 8 Déc 2006 - 11:35

Same thing over here... those two-three minute delays are fine with me, but my Nab just shouted that it was 11 o'clock at 11.20. Isn't there any way Violet can fix this?
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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Gob
Nbr de messages : 51
Carottes : 6498

Time delay Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time delay   Time delay Icon_minitimeVen 8 Déc 2006 - 14:30

I myself asked myself the same thing at 11 this morning, oscar, so i asked the tech team here at Violet. As it turns out, the reason is a little odd. So what is happening is that our server, starting 5 minutes before the top of the hour has to send a signal to every rabbit out there one at a time to tell it to read out the time and that's why some rabbits tell the time a couple minutes early to a few minutes after the hour. 20 minutes late is a bit extreme and it seems that many users have opted for the talking clock service so each rabbit must now wait for it's turn in line. Obviously this is not the best way to read the time and the problem has been addressed here. Fortunately, we are switching to new servers in the next couple weeks and the way that these signals are sent out with be different and consequently, the time should be much more accurate. Keep an ear out for the announcement of the server switch and you should be able to notice a difference. don't worry, we're all working away over here trying our best to make sure these little things get straightened out with the new servers/ website/ tagtag launch etc.!
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Nabz Junior
Nabz Junior

Localisation : Germany
Nabaztag : nafcom
Nbr de messages : 51
Carottes : 6290

Time delay Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Time delay   Time delay Icon_minitimeVen 18 Mai 2007 - 9:20

Despite the facts of new servers, I also have the experience now. Even sometimes he is 3-4 mins too early.
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MessageSujet: Re: Time delay   Time delay Icon_minitime

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Time delay
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