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 Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it

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3 participants
Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Cambridge, UK
Nabaztag : Keira [v2]
Nbr de messages : 10
Carottes : 6438

Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Empty
MessageSujet: Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it   Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Déc 2006 - 20:47

Hi guys,

I'm a new nab'tag/tag owner, and since I got it, it's done absolutely nothing other than speak what I send to it from within the interface.

I've signed him up for the most often frequency for:
Tai Chi
Alarm Clock
Talking Clock
Week Assessment
Top 10 iTunes

Yet he's done nothing but flash purple out of the bum and nose, and read what I send from the interface.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this related to the current bugs? Anyone able to help me? (Feel free to respond in French if you want, I'm just as happy with French)

Basically, it's a bit depressing to have spent money on a gadget that's done bugger all this far...

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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : England
Nbr de messages : 20
Carottes : 6437

Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it   Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Déc 2006 - 21:52

thatcanadiangirl a écrit:
Basically, it's a bit depressing to have spent money on a gadget that's done bugger all this far...
You sound like me when I finally received my Tag/tag after waiting since the 15th November when I placed my order with Firebox. I think the problem here is the fact that this device does nothing without the backend platform, unlike almost any other electronic device that I can think of.

I was as dispondent as you are, maybe even more so as at that point even messages from the web were not working, but rest assured that day-by-day things are improving and now I can send typed messages, little messages and even songs from the pre-selections.

I'm also subscribed to many of the services but none of them are working for me at the moment. If I'm being honest I really feel for the people that are going to receive these as Xmas presents because I really feel that right now there are going to be a lot of dissapointed people packaging them up and returning them for a refund. I'm sorry to be harsh but I am sure that most people will not be as patient or persistent as most people on these forums. I also think that there is in no way sufficient documentation included to make peple aware of how little these critters do on their own (nothing in fact). Don't get me wrong, I'm really attached to my little Tag/tag already and can't wait for everything to be working the way it should.

Come on Violet, I know you are doing your best and making progress every day but you only have 3 days left to get things working 100% or else Santa might have you on the naughty list for next year! yellownabzwink
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Lapin nain
Lapin nain

Localisation : Cambridge, UK
Nabaztag : Keira [v2]
Nbr de messages : 10
Carottes : 6438

Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it   Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Déc 2006 - 22:16

LongView: I completely agree that the lack of documentation is a big issue. It'll be the end of the bunny if, as you said, it's not sorted out in time for Xmas day!

One thing that goes for Violet is the speed at which they respond to enquiries - it took less than 5 minutes to get a response to a question I sent.
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Yellow Subadmin

Age : 56
Localisation : Paris
Nabaztag : Zvi (V1) et Zeev (V2)
Nbr de messages : 10056
Carottes : 6906

Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it   Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Déc 2006 - 23:07


Some of the services are not available yet due to the migration of the Violet's servers : Rss, email alert, nabcasts.

We all hope that it's going to be fixed up soon .
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Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it   Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it Icon_minitime

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Bunny done nothing but speak what I wrote since I got it
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