Here is the tutorial to register as an advanced user and create your own nabstream (kudos to FlorentBL for the translation
Nabtweets creation
You can create your own Nabstreams. Use the befront link "m'enregistrer" to create an account.
Once registred, you can edit your profile and manage your Nabstreams.
Profile editing
In your profile, first choose a pseudo: enter the text and choose the language for speech generator. Don't forget to test the pronounce with the "play" button. Your pseudo will never be seen, but it will be read by the rabbits. So don't focus on syntax, it's the auditable sound that is important.
ATTENTION! On first connection, your pseudo is preset from your mail address. Don't forget to change it!
You also need to choose a color for your signature. Of course several users will share the same color.
Nabstreams gestion
On registration, a public Nabstream is created with your account, and take the name of your Pseudo. If your pseudo is "Alice" or "Bob", your messages will be announced by "Signed by Alice", or "Signed by Bob".
This Nabsstream is public : all rabits can receive your messages. Think to the people that will hear them and keep only the interesting messages. You can also use private Nabstreams, the acces of which are reserved to the specified Nabaztags.
You can edit Nabstream configuration:
* define the language of speech generator
* défine the access policy: linear or random
* activate or deactivate the stream
* défine the history buffer: see below
The access policy can be linear or random. When linear, then rabbit willl read the message in order of entrance. And when the last message has been read, it will wait for a new message before reading the Nabstream again. When the policy is random, the rabbit will also read the messages in order. But, after the last message, it will read again a forme message randomly. The new messages are still privileged, but not exclusively.
Imagine a rabbit that connects itself for the first time on a Nabstream (linear or random) containing 100 messages, where will it begin? This is where the history "buffer" is involved. If "buffer" is set to 1, it begins by the 100th message. If "buffer" is set to 2, it will begin by 99th, etc... The parameter range is between 1 and 10.
Post a Nabtweet on a Nabstream
To post a message, just type your text (limited to 100 chararcters), choose the language and post it. It is strongly advised to make a test before posting (bouton play). The message will never be displayed in text form, it will only be read buy rabbits. Spelling doesn't matter, the generated sound is the important thing.
Once posted, the message can be deactivated or reactivated. One can also see the number of times it has been read by Nabaztags.
One can also post messages using an API. This API must be activated in configuration page of the Nabstream. It is of the form:
, where flow and code parameters are specific to a Nabstream, lang is for the speech generator (currently fr,en,es,de,it) and content is the message body.
The message must be utf-8 encoded. FOr instance to send "Bonne journée", you will use:
Private Nabstreams
You can creat your private Nabstreams: there's a button "create a new private stream", at the bottom of the home page of your account.
With a private stream, you have to invite the rabbits. Only invited rabbit will read a private Nabstream. Typically, you begin by "invite" your own Nabaztag.
Once created, you choose a stream name, and the other parameters (access policy, state, buffer).
On the same page, you manage the invited rabbits list. You need to enter the serial number of your rabbit, and a name to recognize it: the serial number will not be displayed, only the name. Click on Add.
If the serial number is correct, you will see the rabbit appear un the list. You can suppress a rabbit from the list at any time.
Private messages are treated differently:
* For a linear Nabstream, private messages are sent in priority. They will be speeched by the rabbit before all other streams.
* For a random Nabstream, private messages are privileged and will be heared more often
The current procedure with serial number will be simplified with an invitation code process: you will give an invitation code to a rabbit owner and he or she will be able to invite him(her)self on your private Nabstream.
Geek advice: the private streams can be fed by the API like public streams. You can feed your streams automatically with the informations that you are interested in.
Actual limitations
In this beginning phase, the service is forcibly limited:
* an account only has two Nabstreams : a public one and a private one.
* the posting rate is limited to a few dozens messages by day and by stream.
* invitation codes are not implemented yet.
* use of other servers isn't implemented.
* the behaviour of rabbits is still rude! Dialog system isn't implemented.
Those limitations will be progressively removed.