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 [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.

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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeDim 14 Aoû 2011 - 23:17

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image_62[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Reload10

Here is the translation in english of the french tutorial topic [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Napin_11 [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Flache10 [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Bannia11

Ihr Hase spricht kein Englisch aber Deutsch? [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Deutsc11 [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Flache10 [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Bannia17

For all comments or questions, please don't post here but here: (although it is in french, feel free to post there in english and I wll try to get back to you in english
    1. Creating an account and getting your nabz connected (Note that for now, only Nabaztag:tag is supported)
  • Creating an account
  • Connecting your nabz on Nabizdead server
  • Linking nabz to account
  • Troubleshooting

    2. Understanding nabz language and dialog
  • Nabz's leisure
  • Nabz is thinking
  • Nabz is picking up something in the air
  • Shut up! Nabz is talking
  • Nabz is loading
  • Nabz requests your opinion
  • Nabz's understanding mark

    3. Messenger services [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Update11
  • your nabz profile
    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Attent21How to write successfully a message: to read before to go further [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Attent21
  • shared streams
  • your streams
  • the stats

    4. Streams.
  • Associating streams to your nabz
  • Remove stream association

    5. Bedtime for your nabz.
  • setting the time to go to the bed
  • setting the time to wake up

    6. Using tags (Nanoztags or Ztamps).
  • add a tag
  • setting up a tag
  • removing a tag association

    7. Nabz's digest. [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. New10
  • main principle
  • earz stream subscription

    8. Carte chance. [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image141 [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. New10

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Lun 19 Sep 2011 - 12:56, édité 43 fois
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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeDim 14 Aoû 2011 - 23:38

Before to start: as stated on, creating an account is NOT an obligation to connect your nabz on Nabizdead server.
But, if you don't create it, your nabz will be very limited on that server: he will only give time and read messages.
This is why you wil find here how to create an account in order to access to all the services available on Nabizdead.
Creating an account which is totally free will give you access to all the provided services.

This tutorial will evolve as Nabizdead is experimental and is under permanent developpment to add new functions or services.

1. Creating an account and getting your nabz connected.

It requires 3 steps:
- creating a Nabizdead account
- modifying the server setup of your nabz
- linking the new account and your nabz together

    1.1. Creating a Nabizdead account

Visit that web page:

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 1_regi10

  • Click on register

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 2_regi10

  • Fill in the email adress and code fields then click on "register" button.

    N.B: If the security code is hard to read, just click on blue arrows to get a new one.

    Nabizdead will check that the email adress you typed is valid by sending a confirmation email:

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 3_regi10

  • Open the Nabizdead email and click on the confirmation link:

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 4_1st_11

    This time Nabizdead will send you an another email but this time with your password: (to keep carefully!)

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 4_1st_10

    That's it: you now have a Nabizdead account

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 5_link10

    1.2. Modifying the server setup of your Nabz

    Unplug your Nabz and hold the button when you plug it back to turn your Nabz "blue"
    Check on your computer's wifi connexions and select the one from your rabbit.

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Rabbit10
    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Rabbit11
    Now browse that site:
    You should get that screen:
    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image_50
    Click as shown by the green arrow Click here to start

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image_51
    Next click there:Advanced configuration

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image_52
    Here there are 2 things to do:

    1) replace the adress by that one:
    2) click on Update and Start to save the change.

    N.B: Do not forget to go back on your computer's wifi menu to select back your wifi box connexion.

    Now your Nabz just move to a new rabbit hole but the hole doesn't know it yet.

    1.3. Link your nabz to your Nabizdead account

    Last step:
  • Go back on Nabizdead website, log with your email and the password you got from Nabizdead:

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 7_conn10

  • Click directly on taming tab (we will review the message tab and profile options later)

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 2_tami10

    It says that no rabbit is registered yet. Let's add your Nabz:
  • Click on Register a rabbit
    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 3_no_r10

  • Fill in the serial number with the 12 digits of the MAC code which is underneath tyour Nabz then click on "add"
    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 4_seri10

    Then you get that screen: to make sure that you're the owner of the nabz, a color code given by the nabz itself has to be entered for confirmation.

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 5_colo10

    Do as follow:
    step 1: press the nabz button to get the 4 colors's code.
    step 2: click on each "Rubik's cube" on the accurate case to reproduce the nabz colors code.
    step 3: valid by clicking on Add button.

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 6_nabz10

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 7_nabz10

    Here we are: your Nabz has just completed the move on his new hole: nabzturnaround

    Last (but not least): Let's have a look on the messages tab to setup the profile of your nabz:

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 8_prof10

  • The pseudo field: it is filled by default with your email adress.
    But, as the pseudo will be your signature, it will be said by every rabbit who get a message from you, it is far more convenient to replace tour email adress by the nickname of your Nabz.
    On the right of it, there is play button which allows you to ear what you just typed.

  • language: here is the mother tongue of your Nabz.
    N.B: Later we will see that it is possible to change it for every message you're sending.

  • color of signature: this is the color of the light signature of your Nabz.
    Everytime one of your message is read by one another Nabz, it will starts by saying your pseudo and lighting the color your chose.
    By default color is white. Just click on your favorite one to change it.

Do not forget to click on the update button to save the modifications, then you will get that screen:

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 9_prof10

Last point: it is possible to get a new password by clicking on "Change password".
It will brings you to that screen:

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 10_pas10

I never did it but it seems that it is providing an automatic new password instead of allowing you to define it.

That's all folks! Other items of the messages tab will be reviewed on next part.

4) Troubleshooting

If you're are encoutering some trouble to get your nabz connected to Nabizdead, you will find in this section some advices.

  • Make sure the server name has been changed correctly.
    The first reason for your nabz not to connect nabizdead properly are mispelling in the server name typed in the advanced setup of the rabbit.
    Sometimes, people are typing NabiSdead instead of nabiZdead, or are adding http:// in front it and as long as the adress is not, it just can't work.

    Before to go on further steps, please turn tour nabz blue and check on that you typed well the server name which is

  • [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 2_vert10 Nabz has only 2 green lights.
    It is a DNS problem.

    Turn your rabbit blue, return the site, go on advanced setup.
    1) replace by

    2) Do not forget to click on Update and start button to save the change.

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. New_se10

  • [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 3_vert11 Nabz has only 3 green lights.

    Here the cause may be a too old nabz firmware version.

    To check it, same as previously: turn the rabbit blue, go on, then access the advanced setup screen.
    The firmware version is the last line at the bottom of the screen.

    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image_68

    If it is then you can update it for version
    To proceed:

    Download the file firmware. form that link: (the official link: is broken now)

    Once it is done, turn your rabbit blue go on
    Then on the first screen click on Update the firmware.
    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image_69

    Select the file and proceed:
    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Upload10

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Dim 4 Sep 2011 - 10:00, édité 15 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeLun 15 Aoû 2011 - 12:07

2. The Nabz language.

Nabizdead allows your nabz to :
- write/read public messages.
- write/read private messages for defined nabzs only
- listening to many streams.

Here are a review of the attitudes your nabz can take:

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Flaner12 Nabz is connected waitin for a task to do.
Possible action: pressing his button to ask him to read.
N.B: touching his ears will not have any effect except he will put them back in upright position.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Reflec11 Nabz is thinking. That never stands more than few seconds. Do not disturb him.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Acoute12 When his truffle is flashing red, nabz shows that he is earing some noise. If the volume of it is high enough, nabz will understand you're aournd and will read some stream.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Recept14 Nabz is announcing that he will read something by rotating his ears once and having all 4 lights in the signature color of the autor of the message.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Loadin11 Nabz is loading and when done is reading.
Possible action: pressing his button to stop the incoming message.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Attent19
After each message or stream he red, nabz is requesting your opinion by moving his ears and flashing red and green lights for 20 seconds.
During that time you can tell him you liked the message by turning up the left ear or saying that you didn't like it by turning down the right ear.
Pressing the button is also possible and the nabz will repeat the message.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Your_o10

After 20 seconds, nabz put his ears back in upright position and it is nolonger possible to give your opinion.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Compri11 By rotating his ears while having all lights in red, nabz shows you that he understood your feedback.
A message accordingly to your opinion will follow.

Beware: Do not touch his ears while they are moving because he hates it so much that he will get red with anger and starting a non stop ears rotaton. If it occurs, the only way to calm him down is to unplug him.

When you give your opinion it is taken in account.
If you rate several times that you don't like the streams or messages of a nabz, eventually they're will be blocked so you won't get it anymore.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Dim 4 Sep 2011 - 9:56, édité 9 fois
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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeLun 15 Aoû 2011 - 12:21

3. Messenger services.

Nabizdead allows you to write 2 types of vocal messages:
  • public messages: every nabz can read them.
  • private messages: can be read only by guests.

Once logged to Nabizdead website you access to the Messages page.

It has 3 parts, top to bottom:
  • Your profile
  • Shared streams
  • Your streams

Let's review them.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Profil10

N.B: Clicking the link change password will bring you to that screen:
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Change10

A new password is then sent to your email box.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Attent21How to write successfully a message: to read before to go further [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Attent21

  • The pronounciation is more important than the spelling as what you write will end in a vocal message.
  • Always hear your message by pressing this Play button [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Play10 to make sure it will be read correctly before to send it.
  • Nabz can only speak one language by message. If the message has to be red in english but has some other language words, find an accurate spelling so it can sound correctly when reading.
    For example, many french people are sending messages in french to say "thank Nabizdead" but in french Nabizdead is pronounced "nabiz de ade".
  • Using . , ? ! is a good way to slow done the reading speed.
  • Forget any smiley: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Smiley11 will not be read at all, neither ^^
  • Don't send messages as long as they are not crystal clear on your own nabz as many foreigners won't catch its meaning otherwise.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Dim 4 Sep 2011 - 9:56, édité 15 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeLun 15 Aoû 2011 - 14:23

Shared Streams

The second part of the Messages tab is replacing the previous Public messages.

Its goal is to host differents topics for streams.

Right now , the first one created is:

Caisse de communauté [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Commun11

It looks very similar to the previous Public messages system:
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Shared10

The big difference stands in the limitation of the chest to the latest 10 messages sent. Previously every public message was added to a databank in which every nabz coudl read any of them.

It has been done to prevent the nabz to read several times the same message.

By default, every message has an active status until you decide to deactivate it. That results as the deactivated message will nolonger be read by any rabbit not even yours.

At the moment, this status is not usefull as there only one topic Caisse de community for which a message doesn't stand for long anyway.

Please note that if you had previous public messages, they are not lost: they are now in the Caisse de communauté and you will find them by clicking on caisse de communauté to browse all of them:
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image_27
To conclude, below are the meaning of each colums of the messages history:
1 chronological rank
2 date and time of creaton
3 the message itself
4 reading language
5 its status enable/disable
6 frequence of reading

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Sam 3 Sep 2011 - 19:36, édité 10 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeLun 15 Aoû 2011 - 20:15

My streams.

Here are the messages previously known as private.
Those messages will be read by guest nabz you invited.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. My_str10

It works the same than shared streams to type and set up a message.

Let's have a look on the specific items:
  • Send invitations.
    Once the message is type[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Invita11d and well, click on Invite to access the invitation menu:

    to invite one of more rabbits, enter their MAC serial number. Of course it means you already get them.
    Put in the label field the nickname of the nabz you invited otherwise once the invitation is complete, it won't show you which nbza it is anymore.

    Note that the label field stands only as a comment. You can't use it alone to invite a nabz.

    Once the MAC serial has been added, simply click on Add and that's it and a line will be added below:
    [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Image139
    Note that it is always possible to remove the invitation by clicking on remove

  • Configuration menu

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Config10

Title = the nickname of your nabz which is read before any of your message.
Language:indicate in which language the message has to be read.
Acess policy: linear access means that you rnabz will read the messages of one another in a chronological order, then if all mesages have ben read once, your nabz will start reading them randomly.
Random access simply means the messages of one nabz are read randomly by yours.
Openess: on invitation = what we just saw. Open means that your message is nolonger "private" and for now goes in the Caisse de communauté.
Description, URL and API are related to streams developpers who provide streams which require subscription.
Buffer: this is the number of messages that other nabz can see. It can go up to 10.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Sam 3 Sep 2011 - 20:09, édité 13 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeLun 15 Aoû 2011 - 20:15

Your own stats.

Every time one of your message is said by a nabz, you can get a feedback from him.
All the given feedbacks are collected for your own stats
From the first screen after having logged in, click on the nickname of your nabz as shown:
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 1_menu10

Then you access the tabs, click on the stats one:
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 2_menu10

Here is the statistic screen:
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 3_stat10

As said, it collects all the feedbacks given by other nabz and they come from eveything you can provide: public or private messages or streams if you provide some to the community.

It shows if people like what your sending to their bunnies.

If one of your message is said by a nabz but he got no feedback then it will increment the correct line by +1.

If that nabz is given you a positive feedbcak for the first time, then it will increment the good line by +1.
If that nabz is given you a second positive feedbcak then the +1 on good is climbing to very good and so on for a third positive feedback.

On the contrary, if the feedback is bad, then the +1 is getting down step by step and if after several bad feebacks it reaches the rank banned then it means that this nabz willnot play your messages anymore.

On the other hand it means you can filter and block some nabz if you don't like what they say.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Sam 3 Sep 2011 - 20:14, édité 8 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû 2011 - 13:27

4. Streams.

Today there are around 110 streams available.
If roughly 90% of them are in french, some others are in english or spanish.

Everyone can add new streams.
Here is a tutorial (in french) to explain how to create your own RSS stream:

To implement a weather report stream for your town, you can contact Phabbrrysse for some help as he did them for about 20 french cities.

To access those streams, from the first screen after logged in, click on the taming tab as shown:

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 1_afte11

Then you can see all the streams available.
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. 3_stre11

The top part of the screen is showing the streams already associated to your nabz and the bottom part is showing the others streams available.

The fourth column is precising the language of each streams.

To associate a stream to your nabz, simply click on Add at the right of each stream.

Removing an associated stream works the same with the remove command.

Beware: as streams have priority on others messages, if your nabz is associated to many streams, they can take all the room and ousting all the public messages.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Dim 4 Sep 2011 - 9:57, édité 5 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû 2011 - 20:48

5. Bedtime.

Except by unplugging it when you dont use it, your nabz can sleep.

Nabz have that advantage over humans that they're never late when it is time to go to the bed or to wake up.

To tell your nabz it's time to go to the bed, simply turn down his both ears and from now, you nabz will start sleeping every day at that time.

To confirm that he understood well, your nabz will say: "Voici ma nouvelle heure de coucher. Pense à me réveiller" (This is my new bedtime. Do not forget to wake me up)

The day after, to tell your nabz it's time to get up, move up his 2 ears and he will understand he has to get up at that time every day.

As well, as a confirmation your nabz will tell you:"Voici ma nouvelle heure de lever" (this my new wake up time)

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Bedtim10

N.B: Anytime you want to modify the bedtime or wake up time, just start again to put the ears in uptright or down positions to setup a new time.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Dim 4 Sep 2011 - 9:57, édité 5 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeDim 28 Aoû 2011 - 18:48

6. Using tags.

Nabizdead allows the use of Nanoztags or Ztamps in a very basic and simple way:

Setting up a tag.

Put the tag under the nabz's nose. After having sniffed it, he will say as a confirmation:

"Voici un nouveau tag
Je peux l'associer au dernier flux écouté
Veux-tu l'associer au flux XX"

which means " Here is a new tag. I can associate it to the latest stream you heard.
Would you like to associate it with the stream XX?"

The latest read stream can be either a message or a stream.

The nabz takes the request position: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Attent16

You have 20 seconds to turn his left ear to validate the association, otherwise no association will be done.
If you turn his left ear, the nabz will confirm by saying "c'est fait" (done).
If you turn the right ear or do nothing, then you will not get anything.

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Settin13

Removing an association.

Give the tag to sniff to your nabz to launch the associated stream then give him again to sniff.
Nabz will tell you then:
"Veux-tu dés-associer ce tag?" ie Would you like to remove this association?

Nabz will take the request position [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Attent16
Then you have 20 seconds to turn his left ear up to confirm.
As soon as it is done, Nabz will confirm by saying: "C'est fait Tu peux le réutiliser pour autre chose" ie Done, you can re-use it for other purpose.

If you don't turn the left ear within 20 seconds or you turn the right ear down then nothing happens and the tag association is not removed.

N.B 1: Ztamp or Nanoztag do not appear on
N.B 2. tag association will work the same whatever the nabzs who are sniffing them.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Dim 4 Sep 2011 - 18:23, édité 8 fois
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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeSam 3 Sep 2011 - 18:19

7. Nabz's digest.

Now that your nabz feel at home in his new burrow, he starts proposing by himself new streams you don't have subscribed yet, just , as he says to try something new ("on va essayer quelque chose de nouveau"

Will follow the reading of a stream of his choice, like a grown-up.

After the reading, he will ask you in french if you xant to continue to get messages from this stream (Veux-tu continuer de recevoir les messages de ce flux?" )
Then he will move his ears on the same way than to give messages feedbacks
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Earz_s10

If you turn the right ear, your nabz will rotate his ears to show you he understood and will told you as confirmation "c'est noté" which means "it's done"

You can check on that the stream has been added to your subscribed ones:
After logged in, click on taming menu to browse the streams.

The example below shows a stream in german language language which as been subscribed by ear:
[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Earz_s12

If you turn the left ear or do nothing by 20 seconds, the stream simply won't be subscribed.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Dim 4 Sep 2011 - 9:58, édité 7 fois
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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeSam 3 Sep 2011 - 20:10

8. Carte Chance. [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Carte_11

Carte chance sounds a bit like the previous Nabaztag Mood: it's a stream in french set by default for all nabz.

Although it brings come fun to your nabz, as it is only in french it is possible for you to ignore it after having voted several times that you didn't liked it.

Dernière édition par philippeimac le Dim 4 Sep 2011 - 11:31, édité 4 fois
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Platinum Nabz
Platinum Nabz

Age : 53
Localisation : Angers, FR.
Nabaztag : iLapinou, Zoreille, Karotz
Nbr de messages : 1205
Carottes : 13261

[NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial.   [NID] NABIZDEAD for Dummies: a step by step tutorial. Icon_minitimeDim 4 Sep 2011 - 9:54

That's all folks!...well, for the moment.
Thanks for reading, hoping it has been useful for you.
Stay tuned for updates as Nabizdead remains in development

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